
The main method of the natural sciences  
Key feature is the high level of control the researcher has over the variables and the situation 
There are 2 main types: laboratory and field  
  • Laboratory give researcher more control over variables but is more artificial 
  • Field takes place in more real world situations but researcher cannot control all the variables 

Laboratory experiments  

  • Positivists argue that there is a measurable reality out there and so they take the scientific approach to obtain quantitative data to produce generalised cause and effect results. Laboratory experiments are reliable because they can be repeated allowing for previous results to be checked. 
  • Interpretivists claim that experiments do not go well with society and produce low validity data  

Problems with laboratory experiments 

  • Artificially – highly artificial environment so doubtful on whether the results can be used in real society. Tell very little on how people act in real world situations. Often lacking


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