English revision


Tips to get an A*

English language revision

1) When answering question one (what do you understand about the issues of etc..) try and look for inconsistencies and subtelties. Idenitfy which parts of the article are contradicting to the rest of the article. But also which parts of the text have a different tone or type of speech (the way it is written).

2) When answering question two (comparing the title and the picture to the text) also look for inconsistencies and some parts that will require you to look for the deeper meaning and infer things. Include the obvious but also try and look for less obvious meanings, connotations and links. Look at facial expressions, colours, items in the background, signs etc. These will allow you to look for deeper links and meanings.

3) When answering question three (explore the thoughts and feelings of the writer). Try to infer the writers feelings as to thoughts. Try to interperate what the writer is feeling and…


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