
  • Created by: Pilot94
  • Created on: 15-03-23 20:49


Diffusion is the random movement and spreading of particles

Osmosis is the overall movement of solvent molecules in a solution across a partially permable membrane, it is from a dilute solution to a more concentrated one.

Active transport is the movement of particles across a cell membrane from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration (against the concentration gradient) This process requires energy. 

Plants absorb mineral ions through active transport and absorb water from the soil through osmosis, diffisuion is a key stage in osmosis


Uptake by the roots:

1. Water enters the root hair cells by osmosis. The ater mives diwn a water potential gradient from the soil to the root cells.

2. Active transport of the mineral ions fromthe soil into the root hair cells, helps to lower the water potential of the root hair cells.

3. Water moves from one root cell to the next, mainly throigh the cell walls

4. Water, along with mineral ions moves into the xylem vessel from the root cells

5. Water moves up the xylem from the roots to the stem. This upward movement of the water in the xylem is known as a transpiration stream

Figure 1.11 The parts of a root hair cell | Boost


The root hair cells have a large surface area allowing more diffusion to happen.

Water in the plant helps transport nutrients and to keep the plant cool.
Nitrates is a mineral ion that is important for producing proteins in plants.


Plants have a transport system in order to move substances relativley long distances from one location to another. The xylem tissue is responsible for moving water and dissolved mineral ions. Movement is always up the planet, from the roots, through the stem and into the leaves. Phloem on other hand transpors dissolved sucrose and amino acids in…


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