Correcting Market Failure - The Role of Government


Market failure happens when the price mechanism fails to allocate scarce resources efficiently (A.K.A. Allocative Inefficiency).

Policies to counter market failure: (First 3 are known as Command & Control Policies)

1) Regulation:

  • Rules & laws put in place to influence the behaviour of firms. E.g. to increase firm's costs & hence decrease their output, hopefully to the Social Optimum, thus internalizing the externality.
  • Corrects the market failure of over-consumption & over-production as a result of -ve production externalities, -ve consumption externalities & demerit goods.


  • Quick to implement
  • Full weight of the law behind it.
  • If accurate, can internalise the externality.
  • Fines are a deterrent.


  • Cost & problems of enforcement.
  • How to set appropriate standards.
  • No incentive for improvement once standards have been set.
  • Obtaining international agreement.
  • Policy may not raise revenue.
  • May lead to a black market.
  • Gvnmt. failure.

2) Indirect Taxation:

  • A tax initially paid by firms but passed on to the consumer. The intention is to influence consumer's decisions through changes in price. The higher price leads to a contraction in demand. 
  • Corrects the market failure of over-consumption & over-production as a result of -ve production externalities, -ve consumption externalities & demerit goods.


  • The tax can be set at a high level to deter consumption (contraction of demand).
  • Any tax revenue collected can be hypothecated to pay for things such as research into cancer treatments.


  • Can adversely affect firms.
  • Can unfairly affect some members of society (e.g. poor).
  • If the demand is inelastic the tax will yield more…


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