

Key Concepts:

Omnibenevolent- the state of being all loving and infinitely good

omnipotent- the all powerful, almighty and unlimited nature of God

Trinity- the three persons of God; God the Father, Son and Holy spirit

Incarnation- God becoming human in the form of Jesus

Atonment- the belif that Jesus' death on the cross healed the rift between humans and God

Resurrection-the belief that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, conquering death

Sacrements- an outward sign of an invisible and inward blessing by God. eg;Baptism, Eucharist

Evangelism- preaching of the gospel to others with the intention of coverting others to Christian faith

Interpreting the Bible

The Bible- a collection of books devided into two parts the old and new Testament. 

Monotheism- The belief in one God eg Christianity

Literal Christian-interprets every word in the Bible as literally true. They dont question the Bible. Eg the Westboro Baptist Church,this leads to their extreme behaviour 

Liberal Christian- the words have deeper meanings and communicate religious truths. They look for the symbolic meanings.

Christian sources of wisdom- the Bible, Priest, Minister, Vicar, Pope for Catholics, Archbishopof Canterbury (church of England) 

Charasmatic christians- Who emphasise the presence and work of the Holy Sprirt. They often 'speak in tongues' and believe they are filled with the holy spirit.

The Nature of God

- God is viewed as a father because he is loving. Christians describe God as omnibenevolent. God loves all of his creation. 

Transcendent God- A God who is outside the world and does not act directly in it.

Immanent God- A God who is in the world and takes an active part in the human histories.

Personal God-A God who relates drectly to people who can feel close to him.

Impersonal God- A God who is unknowabe, mysterious, an idea or a force.

Omniscient- Knows everything

Omnipotent- All powerful

Omnipresent- Everywhere

Trinity- Christians belive that Gods nature is revealed in three different ways: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Three unified as one or three forms (expressions) of the single being.

God the Father- This refers to the all-powerfull, all-knowing part of God, who created the world. It shows the caring, personal relationship between humans and God, like a child and their father.

God the Son- Jesus is the Son of God. He is God in human form (incarnation). Through becoming a huma, God revealed something of himself to the world.

God the Holy Spirit- After his ressurection Jesus rose to heaven. God then sent the Holy Spirit or 'Paraclete' into the world who guides Christians to live their lives in the best way possible. It helps people believe in Jesus and strengthen their faith. The holy spirit intervenes in the world in a miraculous way and is present during worhip. The spirit is also called the Grace of God. Grace means Gods gifts, showing his love to humans,


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