
  • Created by: ccatog
  • Created on: 03-04-17 11:51


  • Nucleus  
    - Contains DNA > directs synthesis of all proteins required by cell > controls metabolic activities of cell 
    - Contained within nuclear envelope to protect it from damage > contains nuclear pores that allows movement of molecules > DNA transcribed into smaller RNA molecules so it can be exported as DNA is too big to fit through pores
    - DNA associates with histones (proteins) to form chromatin > coils and condenses to form chromosomes 

  • Nucleolus
    - Area within nucleus responsible for producing ribosomes
    - Composed of proteins and RNA > RNA used to produce ribosomal RNA > combines with proteins to form ribosomes

  • Mitochondria
    - Site of final stages of cellular respiration where energy stored in bonds of organic molecules is made available for cell to use by production of ATP
    - Double membrane > inner membrane highly folded to form cristae and fluid interior is called matrix 
    - Contains small amount of mitochondrial DNA ((mt)DNA) 
    - Can produce own enzymes and reproudce themselves

  • Vesicles and lysosomes
    - Vesicles membranous sacs that have storage and transport roles > consist of single membrane with fluid inside 
    - Vesicles used to transport materials inside cell
    - Lysosomes specialised forms of vesicles that contain hydrolytic enzymes > responsible for breaking down waste material in cells > break down pathogens ingested by phagocytic cells
    - Important role in programmed cell death or apoptosis 

  • Cytoskeleton
    - Network of fibres necessary for shape and stability of cell
    - Organelles held in place by cytoskeleton and controls movement of organells within cells
    • Microfilaments - Contractile fibres formed from protein actin. Responsible for cell movement and cell contraction during cytokinesis.
    • Microtubules - Globular tubulin proteins polymerise to form tubes used to form scaffold-like structure that determines shape of cell. Also act tracks for movement of organells around cell. Spindle fibres composed of microtubules
    • Intermediate fibres - give mechanical strength to cells and help maintain their integrity
  • Centrioles 
    - Composed of microtubules 
    - Two associated centrioles form the centrosome > involved in assembly and organisation of


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