
  • Created by: smulloy18
  • Created on: 24-10-16 11:08


Animal Cells

-Nucleus = contains genetic material, controls the cell.
-Cytoplasm = gel like substance where chemical reactions take place, contains enzymes.
-Cell membrane = holds the cell together, controls what goes in and out.
-Mitochondria = reactions for respiration take place.
-Ribosomes = proteins made here.

Plant Cells

-Cell wall = made of celluose, supports cell.
-Vacuole = contains cell sap.
-Chloroplasts = where photosynthesis occurs, contain chlorophyll.

Yeast = microorganism, single-celled, has nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane and cell wall.

Bacteria = also single-celled, have cytoplasm, cell membrane, cell wall, no nucleus (genetic material floats in cytoplasm).


-Spreading out of particles from areas of high concentration to low concentration.
-Passive (happens by itself).
-Happens in liquids and gases.
-The bigger the difference in concentration, the faster the rate of…


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