Carbon cycle



Over 99% of the Earth's carbon is stored in sedimentary rocks like limestone.

Around 0.004% of the carbon on earth is stored in fossil fuels such as coal and oil. 


CO2 is stored and dissolved in bodies of water such as oceans and lakes.

Oceans are the second largest carbon store on Earth , holding around 0.04% of the earth's carbon. 


Carbon is stored as CO2 and in small amounts in methane

This is around 0.001% of the world's carbon.


Carbon is stored in living organism and their tissues , this carbon is released when the organism dies and decays , releasing CO2

This accounts for 0.004% of the earth's carbon. 


Less than 0.01% of the Earth's carbon is stored here.

Stored in the soil of areas which experience permafrost where decomposing plants and animals ar frozen to the ground.

Carbon is transfered between storesand is a closed system unlike drainage basins within the water cycle. Carbon can be stored in soils , animals , fossil fuels and the Earth's crust. 

There are lots of flows between the stores. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants respire, carbon stored in the atmosphere is transfered to biomass, carbon is released through respiration and decomposition. 

Combustion is the process by which carbon is released into the environment , carbon is stored in living , dead or decomposed biomass. 



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