
  • Amylose is the un-branched form of starch. Both glycogen and amylopectin, although formed from alpha glucose, are branched molecules. Cellulose is formed from beta glucose.

  • Cellulose is made from beta glucose.  It is made of long un-branched chains of beta glucose molecules. It is found in the cell wall of plants cells, giving it structure and support.

  • Glycogen is the main energy storage material in animals. It is made up of glucose molecules. It can be broken down to release these glucose molecules which can then be used in respiration to release energy.

  • Glycogen is made up of many alpha glucose molecules joined together by a condensation reaction, forming a glycosidic bond between each monomer.

  • Both starch and glycogen are insoluble to water. This means that they do not affect the osmotic properties of the cells they are stored in.

  • Hydrogen bonds are individually quite weak. The chains of cellulose are held together by many hydrogen bonds to form strong fibres called micro fibrils.

  • A condensation reaction releases water as the part of the reaction. It joins the molecules of glucose together to form cellulose.

  • A condensation reaction joins monomers together. In this case monosaccharaides are joined to form a disaccharide. Water is removed in a condensation reaction.

  • Animal cells do not have cells walls and so you do not find cellulose in them.

  • Amylase is not a starch; it


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