Bowlby's Work on Attachment


Evolutionary Theory

Bowlby drew on Evolutionary theory to explain why children attach to their caregiver. In order to maintain attachment, child must be close to their caregiver and this idea has been called a survival mechanism. Behaviours such as crying, smiling and grasping are used to promote this proximity.

Stages of Attachment 

Bowlby described 3 stages of attachment

Stage 1 = First few months of life, baby will respond towards ANY adult by staring, using eye contact and maybe smiling.

Stage 2 = At around 3-6 months a child will use social releasers such as crying and smiling to promote proximity, usually towards one specifc person

Stage 3 = At around 6 months, the baby will show intese attachment to primary caregiver in order to establish a safe base but they also show distress and joy at seperation and reunion. They treat strangers with fear by crying as a social releaser to show their distress. This continues to about 2 - 3 years old




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