Book 6

  • Created by: lilleybee
  • Created on: 02-06-17 14:51
  • The armies fight, Aias and Diomedes, among other Greek warriors, are successful on the battlefield. 
  • Menelaus takes Adrestos (Trojan), who begs for his life and promises that his father will pay unlimited ransom for his return.
  • Menelaus is about to accept, but Agamemnon stops him, reminding him that the Trojans have wronged him, and therefore all of them must die. Menelaus kills Adrestos. 
  • Nestor then advises the men to fight first and then loot the armour later - good tactics.
  • Helenos (son of Priam), an augur, tells Hector and Aineias to make a stand and rally the troops because they are the best Trojan warriors. 
  • Helenos tells Hector to go and tell the the women on Troy to take the finest robe and give it as an offering to Athene, as well as sacrificing 12 heifers, to pray that the Goddess will remove Diomedes from the battlefield.
  • Hector rallies the troops so successfully, that the Greeks think a God has joined the Trojan side.
  • Glaukos (Trojan warrior), meets Diomedes on the battle field.
  • Diomedes asks who he is, saying that if he is an immortal fighting with the Trojans then he doesn't want to take him on.
  • The example of Lykourgos is given here. He foolishly murdered the nurses of Dionysus on the god’s sacred mountain, and then, blinded by Zeus, lived a short and miserable life.
  • Glaukos responds with his family history and heritage, telling the story of the famous hero Bellerophontes who killed lots of monsters and people (fire-breathing lion, snake, goat Chimaira, Solymoi, Amazons, ambush of soldiers)
  • Bellerophontes has three children; Isandros (later killed by Ares), Laodameia (had a son, Sarpedon, with Zeus and later killed by Artemis) and Hippolochos (Glaukos’ father).
  • Diomedes is delighted to hear this, informing Glaukos that his ancestor


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