Biological explanations of anorexia nervosa


An estimated to affect 0.3-1.2% of population. 

85% sufferers female. 

Symptoms include: a refusal to eat, intense dieting, a pathological fear of gaining weight, a distorted body image, self-disgust and food-related anxiety.

Genetic explanations


  • AN is transmitted thorugh hereditary means
  • 1st degree relatives of people with AN are approx 10x greater lifetime risk of having AN than relatives of unaffected individuals. 
  • Also increased risk of developing other eating disorders, eg. bulimia.
  • MZ v DZ twins. Holland et al found 56% MZ and 5% DZ. Replicated in 1995 and found 65% MZ and 32%DZ.

Candidate gene:

  • Epoxide hydrolase 2 (Ephx2) - codes for an enzyme involved in cholesterol metabolism and people in the acute phase of AN, with severe symptoms have abnormally high levels of cholesterol.


  • Bulik et al - found incidence of AN was 1.2% for female twins and 0.29% male twins, with the heritability of the disorder at 56%.
  • Scott-Van Zeeland found a variant of the EQHX2 gene, in a sample of over 3000 females. \


  • Diathesis-stress model - genetic vulnerability and environmental trigger, eg. stressor (tryign to lose weight), social cultural or psychological reasons. 

Neural explanations


  • High levels of S cause AN. High levels create a sense…


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