B2-Keeping Healthy


B2: Keeping Healthy

-The first line of defence in our body is our skin. Just imagine how our body would be without our skin, in fact you can just think now that if you had  a paper cut without your skin you could get a serious infection.  Another natural defence system is your stomach acid. Your stomach contains hydrochloric  acid which simply removes any harmful bacteria as soon as

you start to digest your food and drink. 

Hydrocloric acid- H2O2

-Bacteria are one of the most common type of harmful micro-organisms that cause us infections and make us feel ill. In size, they’re very small yet they can multiply millions of times and release poisonous toxins to make us feel very ill. 

-Fungi is probably the least common micro-organism but it can still cause great harm. It is present on moulds and mushrooms and can cause stomach poisoning if digested.

-*Viruses are several times smaller than bacteria, in fact they’re known as one of the smallest organisms ever known. They have a protein coat which consists of the DNA. Viruses can only produce in host cells, once inside they produce hundreds of copies of themselves making the host cell damaged and eventually making it burst. This then allows the virus to travel in the bloodstream and take over different cells in the body.

This is mitosis

The most dangerous part of harmful bacteria, fungi or viruses is when they reproduce. 
They can reproduce asexually ( making clones) and they reproduce rapidly causing harm to your body within a short length of time. 

Micro-organisms need warm, soft, moist conditions with plenty of oxygen, the ideal place is the human body, that’s why they duplicate so fast.
As well as natural defence systems ( passive immunity) like skin, chemicals in tears, chemicals in sweat and stomach acid, there is also white blood cells. White blood cells are the second triggered defence systems in our body it’s called ‘’ active immunity’’ and the white blood cells prevent pathogens from getting any further into the body by using a variety of methods. 

-White blood cells can either: Engulf and digest the pathogen, they can bind and neutralise the pathogen by releasing antitoxins, or they can directly attack the pathogen by releasing antibodies.

-The process of white blood cells doesn’t just end there. Memory cells are a great advantage to the body because they keep in mind which foreign harmful micro-organisms entered the body and make sure that antibodies are produced at a faster rate next time. So if you do get re-infected with that same disease you will probably be immune because your body would have destroyed it without you getting ill. 

-The process of white blood cells doesn’t just end there. Memory cells are a great advantage to the body because they keep in mind which foreign harmful micro-organisms entered the body and make sure that antibodies are produced at a faster rate next time. So if you do get re-infected with that same disease you will probably


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