Arab/Israeli Conflict

  • Created by: kowthar A
  • Created on: 30-03-17 21:15

Arab/Israeli conflict;whose land is it?

>happening in the middle east

>holy land from centuries ago-special for christians,muslims and jews because of jerusalem

.involved a lot of the world-Russia,Britian,America.

>Arab is mainly muslims but Israel is mainly Jews.

>They both believe that they are indigenous people of this land and thats why they beleive it's theirs.

>Ottomans were the prophet Muhammed(pbuh) friends who continued the spread of Islam in Arab and Turkish countries.-they were also fighters

>Zionist-means someone eho believes that jews have a holy land in Israel-not every jew is a zionist and there are non-jews who are zionists.

Differences between Judaism and Islam:

The western wall is the most important place of pilgramage for Jews as it is what is left of the great jewish temples such as king Soloman's temple.some call it the wailing wall because they feeel sorrow and resentment when they are there

Muslims masjid Al Aqsa is the 3rd holiest mosque in the world the place where Muhammed (pbuh) ascended into heaven from.It is very special because it was from there where prophet Muhammed (pbuh)made his journey to see god even though he was only a human.

Causes of 1948-49 war?

On May 14th 1948 the new state of israel was promclaimed.

Arab stats did not recognize Israel and they thought it should be desroyed.

Armies form Egypt,Syria,Jordan and Lebanon and also Iraq invaded Israel.

Jews were figting for what they had been promised by Britain.Britain had…


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