An Inspector calls


An Inspector call is a morality play write in 1945, however set in 1912 to allow Priestly to educate the audience about how society behaved in the Edwardian Era. The play is a morality play meaning there is a moral message at the end:to take responsibility for everyone not just yourself and your family. 

J.B Pristley is a socalist, a person who believes in treating people equally and he uses the character Inspector Goole as a personification of himself and his views. The Birling family is used as a micricosm of capitalists, people whi believed in capitalism and teh idea of upper and lower calss people, to show how immorally behaved they were. This means they have no moral qualities and bahve badly like exploting the working class. 

The setting in act 1 tells us alot about the Birling family. Priestley uses the words "fairly large, suburban" house described to contain "good solid furniture", which is "cosy but not home like". The word "suburban"shows that the Birling family are rich people as they dont live in the cramed inner city. Society in 1912 would of classed the Birling family as "new money", meaning they have worked to get were they are, but they are not as rich as an aristocratic family, who would own houses in more rural areas. The fact that the Birling family live in a suburban area it shows that they have a small business that has become successful by exploting the working class that worked at there business. Priestley uses…


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