An inspector calls


An Inspector Calls is set in a big house of The Birling familys It is based where Shelia Birling is having an engagement party to Gerald Croft.This will mean the two families businesses coming together.When theres a knock at the door, to someone who we belioeve is inspector Goole.He came to investigate the suicide of Eva Smith,who had died that afternoon from drinking disinfectant.The 'inspector'came to see if any of the family either knew the girl or had anything to dop with the suicide.This is what they each said to him:

Arthur Birling-The father of Sheila Birling:I sacked Eva a couple of years ago for going on strike for more pay.

Sheila Birling-She had her sacked from a retail clothes shop that they always shopped at because Eva put a dress by her that Sheila liked and it looked better on Eva(jelousy)

Eric Birling-Sheilas brother:He


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