A-The experimental method:EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS

  • Created by: Sofia154
  • Created on: 18-06-20 15:05

DEPENDANT VARIABLE- Factor in an experiment which is measured and change are predicted to be caused by the independant variable.

INDEPENDANT VARIABLE- Factor in an experiment which is changed and has an influence on dependant variable 

  • You can have levels of the IV which are essentially groups.In an experiment there is usually a control group and an experimental group- those are the two levels of the IV

In order to confirm that changes to the DV only arise due to changed in the IV, the experimentor will use control groups to keep constant any other factors that could affect the DV.The control group allows experiementors to conclude that there is a cause and effect and relationship with the DV and the IV.

OPERATIONALISATION- The definition of variables so they can be accuratley measured, manipulated and replicated.

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS-The way in which participants are allocated to the levels of IV.

Independant measures design:

DEMAND CHARACTERISTICS-  Features of an experiemental setting that hints to the aims of the study

SINGLE BLIND - Experimental procedure that insures participants are unaware of the level of IV they are in.

DOUBLE BLIND- Experimental procedure where both experimentor and participant are unaware of the level of IV they are in.

  • A seperate group of participants are used for each level of the IV which ensures that data collected is independant and not realted to any other piece of data.
  • An advantage to this deisgn is the participants only have to be in the experimental setting once and are less likely to notice clues


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