Welsh - The Tenses


Yr Amser Presennol - The Present Tense

Dw i'n - I am

Rwyt ti'n - You are (Singular)

Mae o'n - He is 

Mae hi'n - She is

Mae Nicole yn - Nicole is

Rydyn ni'n - We are

Rydych chi'n - You are (Plural)

Maen nhw'n - They are

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Yr Amser Amherffaith - The Imperfect Tense

Roeddwn i'n - I was

Roeddet ti'n - You were (Singular)

Roedd o'n - He was

Roedd hi'n - She was

Roedd Nicole yn - Nicole was

Roedden ni'n - We were

Roeddech chi'n - You were (Plural)

Roedden nhw'n - They were

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Dylai - Should

Dylwn i - I should

Dylet ti - You should (singular)

Dylai o - He should

Dylai hi - She should

Dylai Nicole - Nicole should

Dylen ni - We should

Dylech chi - You should (plural)

Dylen nhw - They should

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Yr Amser Amodol

Byddwn i'n - I would

Byddet ti'n - You would (Singular)

Byddai o'n - He would

Byddai hi'n - She would 

Byddai Nicole yn - Nicole would

Bydden ni'n - We would

Byddech chi'n - You would (Plural)

Bydden nhw'n - They would

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Yr Amser Dyfodol - The Future Tense

Bydda i'n - I will

Byddi di'n - You will (Singular)

Bydd o'n - He will

Bydd hi'n - She will

Bydd Nicole yn - Nicole will

Byddwn ni'n - We will

Byddwch chi'n - You will (Plural)

Byddan nhw'n - They will

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Past tense ending


Ais i - I

Aist ti - You

Odd o/hi/Nicole - he/she/Nicole


On ni- We

Och chi - You

On nhw - They

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