Worship and Celebration

Revision for the Catholic Christianity Exam

  • Created by: bethedoc
  • Created on: 03-04-12 13:06

Key Words:

  • Absolution - through the action of the priest, God grants pardon   and peace
  • Chrism - oil used in baptism, confirmation and ordination
  • Commemoration - belief that the eucharist is a remberance of the    last supper
  • Contrition - sorrow for the sin commited and deciding not to sin  again
  • Holy Week - week before Easter Sunday
  • Liturgy of the Eucharist - re-enactment of the last supper during      which the bread and wine are      transubstantiated
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Key Words Continued

  • Liturgy of the Word - bible readings in the second part of the mass
  • Penance - action to show contrition
  • Penitential rite - confession and absolution at the start of mass
  • Rite of communion - recieving the body and blood of christ
  • Transubstantiation - belief that bread and wine become body and       blood of Jesus
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The Meaning of Baptism

  • Comes from the Greek word meaning to bathe/wash. In baptism, the old life is washed away and a new one is entered
  • At baptism a person becomes a full member of the Christian Church and can be called Christian and is joined in faith by other Christians
  • Baptism is the first of the sacraments making the beginning of the sacramental life which is essential for Catholics
  • Original sin is washed away leaving the person free from sin
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The Importance of Baptism

  • The Catechism teaches that baptism is the basis of Christian life and without it a person can't recieve any other sacraments
  • A person becomes a full member of the Church and is helped by the Church to begin a new life in the Holy Spirit and grow in faith
  • It washes away original sin which is necessary in order to achieve salvation
  • The Catechism says baptism is necessary for salvation and without salvation, one can't enter heaven
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The meaning of Confirmation

  • It is the final sacrament of initiation meaning that the person has fully joined the Church
  • It gives grace which is needed to live a Christian life and gain salvation
  • It joins people more closely to the Church and people can learn to live the way the Church teaches
  • By retaking baptismal vows, Catholics make a public decleration of their faith
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The importance of Confirmation

  • It makes a person a full member of the Church
  • Only those who are confirmed can take on lay ministries
  • Part of confirmation is the gift of the Holy Spirit which gives strength to develop faith and live the Christian life
  • It is the individual's own choice to declare their beliefs
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The meaning of Reconciliation

  • Allows someone to recognise that they have separated themselves from God and that they need God's forgiveness for their sins and his help not to sin again
  • Gives grace to avoid sins that lead away from salvation
  • Advice is also gives about how to overcome temptation and follow the path to salvation
  • Recieving it at least once a year is one of the Precepts of the Church which Catholics believe will lead to salvation if followed
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The importance of Reconciliation

  • Gives the opportunity for the penitent to strengthen their relationship with God
  • Grace is given which makes it easier for the penitent to live a Christian life
  • It allows the penitent to be reconciled with God and with the community
  • It brings the forgiveness of sins necessary to recieve the Eucharist, recieve salvation and enter heaven
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The meaning of the Anointing of the Sick

  • It is a strengthening sacrament for those in danger of death
  • It gives grace that helps a person deal with their illness
  • It prepares a very ill person for death
  • It reminds the sick person and the community that the Church can still heal like Jesus and the disciples in the early Church
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The importance of the Anointing of the Sick

  • It is a very supportive sacrament which gives grace, spiritual strength and healing
  • It makes all Christians holy and not just the person recieving the sacrament
  • It is reasurring by showing the love of the parish for the sick people
  • It allow the person's sins to be forgiven and they can enter heaven
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The nature of the Mass

  • It is a re-enactment of the Last Supper and celebration of the ressurection of Jesus
  • The Penitential rite makes Catholics aware that they are sinners and need forgiveness of God on a regular basis
  • The Liturgy of the Word is readings of the Bible usually followed with a homily that explains the readings and relates them to the Catholic life today
  • The Liturgy of the Eucharist re-enacts the last supper and changes the bread and wine by transubstantiation which is given to the people in the rite of communion
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The importance of the Mass

  • During the Mass, the bread and wine are turned into the body and blood of Christ, so Jesus is really present during Mass
  • It is a celebration of the resurrection, reminding all Catholics that there is eternal life, and that one dat, they too will be able to recieve it
  • Recieving the body and blood of Christ joins Catholics with Jesus, and so brings them closer to salvation
  • The first Precept of the Church says Catholics should attend Mass every Sunday and on holy days
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The meaning of the Eucharist for the Eastern Ortho

  • A sacrament where the bread and wine bacome the body and blood of Jusus by a holy mystery
  • It is a part of the Divine Liturgy during which heaven comes to Earth in the bread and wine
  • It fills the people with the presence of Christ and with every grace and blessing from God
  • It follows the actions and words of Jesus during the Last Supper and remembers the sacrifice of Christ on the cross
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The meaning of the Eucharist for Nonconformist Pro

They call it Holy communion which:

  • Is a commemoration of the Last Supper, where the bread and wine are symbols which don't change
  • Fills Christians with the presence of Christ and with every grace and blessing from God
  • Brings unity as the worshippers share the one Body of Christ
  • Is a reminder of the Last Supper and the crucifixion of Christ
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The meaning of the Eucharist for the Church of Eng

There are different attitudes to the Eucharist in the Church of England.

  • Those who believe in priests and seven sacraments have similar beliefs to Catholics
  • Those who believe in ministers and two sacraments (baptism and holy communion) have Nonconformist Protestant beliefs about the Eucharist
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The meaning of the Eucharist for Quakers and the S

They have no Eucharist because they believe:

  • Jesus is the only priest
  • Worship should only be direct contact with God without symbols
  • They can lead holy lives without the use of sacraments
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Why Catholic Churches have certain features

  • The alter is the centre of attention because the priest offers Mass on the alter as a symbol of Christ offering himself as a sacrifice to God on the cross.The candles on the alter represent the idea that Jesus is the light of the world.
  • The tabernacle has a place of honour, usually next to the alter because it contains the consecrated hosts of the Blessed Sacrament reserved for the sick. Catholics believe Jesus is present in the Blessed Sacrament and show their reverence by genuflecting towards the tabernacle whenever they pass it.
  • The baptismal font contains holy water, usually at the entrace to the Church to remind Catholics that baptism makes them a member of the Church
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Why Catholic Churches have certain features contin

  • The cofessional is a small room set aside for the sacrament of reconciliation. by penance and absolution, Catholics are reconciled to God and each other.
  • The lectern is a book stand from which the Liturgy of the Word takes place showing the belief that faith and truth come from the Bible (readings) and the teachings of the Church (homily)
  • All Catholic Churches have statutues of Mary and some other saints. They act as visual guides to help the congregation in their prayer. CATHOLICS DO NOT PRAY TO THE STATUES.
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The meaning of Christmas

  • Is the celebration of the incarnation 
  • Catholics believe that through the incarnation it became possible for humans to have a full relationship with God and go to heaven after death
  • It tells Christians that God showed his love by sending his son to show humans what God is like and to teach them how to live
  • It is a time of hope and peace, when Catholics pray for the coming of the Kingdom of God
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The importance of Christmas

  • Without the birth of Jesus, there would be no Christianity
  • Through the incarnation, God began the salvation of the world, making it possible for humans to go to heaven after death
  • Through the celebration of the birth of Christ, Catholics recognise that he was born not only to teach and work miracles, but also to suffer and to die to save humans from sin
  • The celebrations such as Christman Mass and the papal blessing Urbi et Orbi remind Catholics they are part of a world wide community
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The meaning of Lent

  • On Ash Wednesday Catholics go to Church for a special penitential Mass. As a sign of their penitence they have a cross of ashes on their forehead to remind them that during lent they should pray, fast and give more to charity
  • Catholics should try to give up something to make them better people and show devotion to God
  • Catholics try to pray more and strengthen their faith by acts of mercy such as visiting the sick and housebound
  • There are special meetings to think about Easter and what it means to be a Christian today
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The importance of Lent

  • It is a time when Catholics concentrate on improving their Christian lives
  • It is a chance to think about the teachings of Jesus and what they mean for today
  • The readings in the Mass are based upon the later part of Jesus' life and these help Catholics work out what they need to do in their lives in order to gain salvation
  • It is a time when Catholics try to increase their faith through extra prayer, study, fasting and giving to charity
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The meaning of Holy Week

  • Begins on Palm Sunday, includes Maundy Thursday and Good Friday and ends on Holy Saturday
  • Catholics remember the final week of Jesus' life, recalling what Jesus did and taught from his entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to his death on Good Friday
  • There are special liturgies such as the Stations of the Cross and during the Easter Triduum there are re-enactments of the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday and the arrest, trial and crucifixion
  • Is a time of reflection and prayer on the sufferings and death of Jesus which saved Catholics from sin and allowed entry into heaven
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The importance of Holy Week

  • Reminds Catholics they need to serve one another and put themselves last as well be public witnesses to their faith
  • Should inspire Catholics to think about their role in the world, especially when they are asked to stand up for others in the cause of justice and peace
  • Reminds Catholics of the suffering Jesus experienced, which helps them to face their suffering
  • Reminds them of the salvation brought by Jesus. It was the death of Jesus that overcame sin, and during holy week Catholics try to do things to make up for their sinfulness
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The meaning of Easter

  • Most important Christian clebration as it is the resurrection of Jesus proves his identity. If Jesus rose from the dead, he must have been both human and divine
  • Ressurection is the final part of salvation as the forgiveness of sins is assured and people can be restored to God
  • Resurrection proves death has been overcome and assures Christians they can have eternal life
  • It gives Catholics a chance to think about the mysteries of their faith and deepen their personal belief
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The importance of Easter

  • It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus which proves that he is God because only God can rise again
  • Proves there is life after death. If Jesus rose from the dead, his faithful followers will have life after death in heaven
  • Celebrates Jesus' victory over death and evil which is why people are often baptised on Easter Sunday
  • Proves what Jesus said about life and death was true so we ccan believe other things he said too
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Miss KHP


This is an excellent resource if you are studying Christianity in your syllabus because it is very detailed and goes through keywords, the importance and meaning of different parts of the Christian faith and different groups with Christian roots

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