
  • Created by: Annagc
  • Created on: 19-03-17 13:24



  • Suggests typical and generic poem about love but is actually about how valentines day is pointless unless you give someone a meaningfull gift

'Not a red rose or a satin heart' 'Not a cute card or a kissogram'

  • Describes how cliche gifts like roses are impersonal and satin is fake and meaningless 
  • Kissogram show how relationships are no longer about being with the person you love they're more about giving someone a gift for the sake of it
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  • Carol Ann Duffy writes using personas who tell dramatic and domestic stories
  • She explores human themes like love
  • They are about how the lines between extreme emotions can be blurred like love and anger 
  • They are blunt and use an informal register 
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' I give you an onion/ It is a moon wrapped in brown paper'

  • It is first person which makes it more loving
  • The verb is demanding and suggest they are intense a
  • The metaphor is romantic as the moon is associated with love and shows the narrator wants to please his partner 
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'i give you'

  • Repetition becomes increasingly demanding and suggets it is unwanted

'It will blind you with tears like a lover'

  • Simile suggests love is painful suggesting their relationship is dramatic and possibly violent

'Take it'

  • Imperative and short sentence suggets one person always has more power and control in a relationship

'It's patinum loops shrink to a wedding ring'

  • Metaphor shows commitment and that their love is only intense because their realtionship has layers and meaning 
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  • Free verse illustrates the uiqueness of their love
  • Small stanza illustrate the layers of the oniom

'It's scent will cling to your fingers,/Cling to your knife'

  • Ending with this sentence suggets love changes you forever and knife being the last word suggets love can be a fatal stab.
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really useful. thanks

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