Unit 2 Lesson 3


5 Key Principles Of Good Practice

-High professional standards are needed.Required to follow agreed policies and procedures and activey promote the health and wellbeing of those in their care

-Values system commitments include;

1.Promoting anti-discriminatory practice,meet needs of all people regardless of religion,culture,ethnic background,disability

2.Empower individuals,ensure they make decisions and take control

3.Ensure the safety of staff and people who they care for 

4.Maintain confidentiality and privacy 

5.Promote good communication between carers and their clients 

-Established by the Care Sector Consortium in 1992

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5 Key Principles Of Good Practice

-GMC; General Medical Council sets and monitors standards of behavious for doctors 

-NMC; Nursing and Midwifery Council sets and monitors standards of behavior for nurses and midwives

-HCPC;Health and Care Professionals Council sets and monitors standards of behaviour for social workers and for a range of other health professionals (physio,occupational,paramedics,speech)

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Promoting Anti-Discriminatory Practice

-Anti-discriminatory practice is a care value 

-Based on legal requirments as outlines in the Equality Act 2010

-Underpins policies and practices of care settings and in the codes of practice for all care professionals 

-Anti discriminatory practice aims to ensure that the care needs of service users are met regardless

-Prejudice of staff or other service users are appropriately challenged

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Promoting Anti-Discriminatory Practice

-All citizens in GB have legal protection through the courts.

-The Human Rights Act (1998) applies to all parts of the UK, The Act guarantess rights to people care for by "public authorities" to be treated equally,with fairness,dignity and respect

-Public authorities,or organisations,include hospitals,GP practices,social service departments,schools,colleges,care and nursing homes

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Adapting H/S Care Provision For Different Service

-Legislation underpins policies,procedures and codes of practice gover professional practice and care provided. Unfortunately discrimination and prejudice happens

-Anti-dicriminatory practice ensures the service users legal rights are in place. It also promotes equal opportunities for all and challenges discrimination at work 

-Addressess their own prejucies and adapt behaviours to ensure clients needs are met 

-Understand and meet the individuals needs of all service users 

-Celebrate the contribution of a wide and diverse society 

-Actively challenge both intentional and unintentional discrimination against clients and patients 

-Ensure setting is welcoming and accessible 

-Compensate for negative effects of disrimination in society

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Adapting H/S Care Provision For Different Service

-Examples of adapting provision to meet needs;

1-Wheelchair ramps and movement within setting.Wide doors,toilet facilities

2-Written and visual communication for people with hearing impairment.Quiet area,employment of a signer or interpreter

3-Number of different language information for people who dont speak english 

4-Dietary requirements to meet religious and cultural needs,festivals respected and observed 

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Empowering Individuals

-Fostering and supporting the empowerment of service uses in H/S care settings can often be overlooked

-Empowerment=Service users take full part in discussions and decisions about personal care and treatment 

-Empowerment=Make choices about their care,contribute to decision making and take control of their lives

-When service user is feeling unwell or anxious about their future, there can be a tendency to allow the experts to take over and for the service users to do as their told

-Impact=Service user loses confidence and become passive and over dependant on their care workers

-Practitioners are required to gain their clients consent before carrying out a care procedure, a treatment or making arrangements for client care. This ensures individualised care-treated as individuals,dignity and independance,boost self esteem 

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