Treatments for Dysfunctional Behaviour.

treatments for dysfunctional behaviour. 


Beck et al; cognitive treatment for depression.

Aim; Compare the effectiveness of cognitive therapy and drug therapy. 

Methodology; controlled experiment with participants randomly allocated to one of two conditions. Independent measures design. 

Sample; 44 patients suffering with severe depression. 

Procedure; patients were assessed using 3 self reports before using the Beck Depression Inventory, Hamilton Rating Scale and Kasking Scale. 12 weeks, 1 hour cognitive therapy sessions twice a week. OR 100 imipramime capsules prescribed by a doctor for a week. (therapy sessions were also observed to ensure reliability)

Results; cognitive therapy group showed greater improvements on self reports and observer based ratings. 79.9% improvement against 20% with those on drugs. 

Conclusion; cognitive therapy leads to better treatments of depression shown through fewer symptoms. 

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