The Prelude


Analysis of The Prelude

  • The poem shows the spiritual growth of the poet as he starts the poem by feeling happy and certain but towrds the end he is uncertain as he is 'troubled by her'.
  • The form of this poem is a epic.a epic is a long poem that deals with exciting thigs.The poet must have chosen to use this because it completes a story in itself.
  • Use of connectives like 'and' gives the poem a breatheless quality.This could be because the poet does not view humanity as having authority over nature.
  • The imageries in trhe poem are mostly related to gothic imagery,horror and nightmares.THis could suggest that nature isn't always beautiful like the reader would expected and nature can be powerful if it wants to be.
  • The poem is not divided into stanzas nor there are any breaks ijn them.This suggests that nature's magic is continous whether good or bad.
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