• sound produces the particles to vibrate. When sound is created the molecues in the air carry the sound from the place to another by squeezing together (compression) and moving apart (rarefaction) . 
  • larger amplitude of vibration the louder the sound . The closer the vibrations the higher the frequency and pitch sound.
  • Frequency is measure in cycles per second or herts (Hz)
  • Created by: fangelie9
  • Created on: 17-05-14 20:32


  • Rare faction the particals are spread out. 
  • A transverse wave , the vibrations occur at right angles to the direction of travel.
  • Higher the frequency, the shorter the wave length.
  • Lower the frequency, the longer the wavelength.
  • Louder the sound the greater the amplitude.
  • Higher the pitch of the sound , the higer the frequency.
  • Higher the pitch, the shorter the wavelength.
  • Frequency is linked to pitch and frequency is linked to wavelength.
  • Amplitude is not affected by wavelength and frequency.
  • So if the frequency increases the wavelength decreases. This is because, for more waves to pass, they must be close together.
  • sound produces the particles to vibrate. When sound is created the molecues in the air carry the sound from the place to another by squeezing together (compression) and moving apart (rarefaction) . 
  • larger amplitude of vibration the louder the sound . The closer the vibrations the higher the frequency and pitch sound.
  • Frequency is measure in cycles per second or herts (Hz)
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