Shelf Seas

  • Created by: rosieevie
  • Created on: 29-05-17 11:51

The Continental Shelf

Inshore neritic zone (shallow zone) from coastline to shelf break

Ends at ~200m depth as break begins to form continental slope

Contributes to 8% global sea suface

Ecology strongly influenced by physical processes e.g. temperature, tides - nutrient availability

Turbulence disturbs water - draws nutrients from depths in shelf seas

= abundance of life - greatest fish population and krill (highest total biomass on planet)

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Phytoplankton Diversity - Prokaryotes

All primary producers unicellular and contain chlorophyll a

Many different sizes - picoplankton or micro/mesoplankton

Contribute <75% oxygen in shelf seas

Prokaryotes - Cyanobacteria

  • Highest biodiversity in littoral zones
  • Symbiotic associations with sponges and ascidians
  • Single long filaments or clumps 
  • 2 main genera: Oscillatoria and Synechococcus
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Phytoplankton Diversity - Eukaryotes

Dinoflagellates e.g. Ceratium

  • Second most abundant phytoplankton group
  • Autotrophic, heterotrophic, mixotrophic
  • Motile - posses 2 flagella
  • Thecate (cellulose plates) or naked
  • Blooms - Red Tides
  • Some toxic (especially to filter feeders)


  • All aquatic environments
  • Most abundant phytoplankton group
  • Main contributor to spring phytoplankton blooms
  • Silica frustule (skeleton) in 2 halves - epitheca and hypotheca
  • Non-motiel - move w/ currents but ionic regulation means little movement (float more or less)
  • SA:V ratios
  • Solitary or colonial
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Phytoplankton Diversity - Eukaryotes 2


  • Posses ~30 CaCO3 coccoliths (plates) per cell
  • ~150 species - main is Emiliania hyxleyi 
  • Reflect sunlight and heat back out of water = cooling of water
  • Ocean acidification affectes coccolith formation

To photosynthesis and grow phytoplankton need light as energy, CO2 as carbon, O2 for respiration and nutrients to make cell structures

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Phytoplankton - Light and Photosynthesis

Growth occurs in the euphotic zone - sufficient light to support growth and reproduction

Light extinction coefficient of water depends on wavelength, dissolved material and particles

  • Moonlight - low light = no phytoplankton growth
  • Costal - sunlight support phytoplankton growth
  • Ocean - sunlight supports phytoplankton growth at lower depths

Phytoplankton only use visible light (400-700nm) = photosynthetically active radiation

Clear oceanic waters - red absorbed strongly by water but green and blue reflected

Costal water - green reaches furthest depths

Estuarien water - contain substances produced by degredation of organic matter = reflects yellow-red part of spectrum = attenuates further

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Photosynthesis vs Irradiance Curve


  • R = respiration
  • a = Photosynthetic efficiency (line upwards)
  • Pmax = max photosynthetic rate
  • Photoinhibition = damage to reactions caused by excess light energy
  • Pn = net photosyntesis
  • Pg = gross photosynthesis
  • Compensation light intensity = photosynthesis rate equals respiration rate - bare minimum for survival
  • Ek = light saturation intensity
  • Different types of phytoplankton have different curves - different photosynthesis rates
  • Sun type species - higher photosynthetic rates at higher light intensities
  • Shade type species - higher photosynthetic rates at lower light intensities
  • Some species reach Pmax at same intensity but one has higher rate = more efficient = out compete the other - community densities affected
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Critical Depth Model

Compensation Light Intensity (Ec) - light intensity required for photosynthesis to be at same rate as respiration

Compensation depth (Dc) - depth where photosynthesis rate equals respiration rate = lower boundary of euphotic zone

Above Dc = net gain (P>R) of growth

Below Dc = net loss (P<R) of growth = less primary productivity

Photoautotrophs move up and down water column - be above Dc

To study critical depth models - average light intensity must be known

Thermocline affects mixing of organisms and nutrients - changes in density

Higher depths = increased metabolic rate

Critical depth (Dcr) - no net photosynthesis occurs beyond here

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Phytoplankton - Nutrients and Growth

Macronutrients - elements need to be supplied in large pop. in order for organism to live (C, H, O)

Proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and nucleotides - contain N, P, S = also required

Diatoms require Si for skeleton

In healthy, actively growing cells - uptake ratio of C:N:P = 106:16:1 = Redfield Ratio

Micronutrients/trace elements - required in small quantities for cellular function = Fe (enzyme activity) and K, Ca, Mg, Na (ion transport)

Elements not usually found as separate identities - compounds:

  • Nitrogen - NO3, NO2, NH3, N2
  • Photophorous HPO2-4, PO3-4
  • Sulfur - SO24, H2S
  • Carbon - CO2, HCO-3, CO2-3, H2CO3
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Global Patterns in Primary Production

Greatest in shelf seas and upwelling regions in warmer climates

Oligotrophic regions - low nutrient concentration

Eutrophic regions - high nutrient concentration

High nutrients = high primary production = larger food chains

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Seasonal Trends in Primary Production

  • Winter:
    • Low phytoplankton biomass - low temperatures
    • High mixing = nutrients distributed in water column
  • Spring:
    • Warming increases biomass
    • Light increases photosynthesis
    • Decrease in nutrients at shallow due to increased phytoplankton
    • = Spring bloom (mainly diatoms)
  • Summer
    • Increase temperature/light
    • Nutrients depleted at shallow waters - phytoplankton blooms
    • Large primary productivity
  • Late summer
    • Complete collapse of phytoplankton at shallow seas
    • Phytoplankton move to deeper water = more nutrients
    • Thermocline will increase in water again
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Little ability to swim against major water currents

Diverse group of larval and adult forms - most animal phyla

Occupy several trophic levels

Play key role in pelagic food webs and biogeochemical cycling

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Zooplankton Diversity

Mostly heterotrophs - some mixotrophs called protozooplankton

Size between 2um and 200cm

Holoplankton - plankton that spend entire life cycle as zooplankton

Meroplankton - spend some of life in benthic region of ocean


  • Copepods
  • Starfish/gastropod/bivalve larvae
  • Jellyfish
  • Tunicates
  • Copepods
  • Radiolarians
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Zooplankton Distribution

Patchy distribution common - physical and biological stresses e.g. food availability

Langmuir vortices influence zooplankton distribution - accumulate particles in certain areas 

  • Caused by consistent wind blowing in one direction = small upwelling and downwelling cycles

Diel vertical migration common in epipelagic and mesopelagic species - light acts as stimulus = organisms move up to epipelagic at night and down to mesopelagic in day

= Greatest migration in terms of biomass - influence particle flux on seabed

Preferred depth ranges vary w/ life stage, weather, season and latitude

3 types of migration:

  • Noctural - move up at night
  • Twilight - move up at twilight
  • Reverse - move up at day
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Zooplankton Distribution 2

Seasonal vertical migration - reproductive cycles = organisms have life histories w/ different depth preferences at different stages


  • Non-feeding adults over winter at ~400m
  • Lay eggs at depth Dec-April
  • Population matures at surface - primary production high
  • By June - storage lipids accumulated
  • Migrate to deeper waters in autumn
  • Cues - temperature and food availability

Climate variability - distribution of zooplankton

North Atlantic oscillation = position of western winds from ocean 

  • Negative (low) NAO - high S. Europe winds = cooling in South
  • Positive (high) NAO - high N. Europe winds = warming in South
  • Affects migration directions - distribution of both cold water and warm water species
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Seasonal Cycles of Production and Consumption in N

  • Phase 1 -
    • Initial spring phytoplankton bloom = nutrient levels begin to decrease
  • Phase 2
    • Zooplankton levels - increase = more phytoplankton available
    • This and lack of nutrients = demise of phytoplankton bloom
    • Zooplankton - increase organic matter
  • Phase 3
    • Mid-summer recycling phase
    • Zooplankton levels decrease - phytoplankton levels have depleted
    • Phase 4
    • Regenerative period
    • Low abundance of plankton = nutrient stocks increase
  • Differences with latitude:
    • Arctic - delayed increase in zooplankton due to phytoplankton
    • North Atlantic - 2 bloom later in year - 2nd increase in nutrients due to decomposers
    • North Pacfic - very delayed increase in zooplankton (weird)
    • Tropical - constant fluctating due to storms causing nutrient mixing
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Food Chains and Webs

Production = Energy in ingested food - (Energy in exceretion + Energy in respiration)

Growth yield (Ygr) = Growth/Growth + Respiration


Growth yield (Ygr) = Growth/Food intake

Ygr = 10-30% depending on type of organism, level of complexity, swimming ability and life history stage

Trophic yield (Yt) = Production at trophic level t+1/Production at trophic levelt

Ecological efficiency - energy transferred between trophic levels

Simple food chains = highly productive systems (less trophic levels to loss energy)

Initial size of number of phytoplankton influences number of trophic levels

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