Science - Biology - Life Processes & Cell Activity


Science - Biology - Life Processes & Cell Activity

Animal Cell - Nucleus, Cell Membrane, Cytoplasm

Plant Cell - Nucleus, Cell Membrane, Cytoplasm, Cell Wall, Vacuole, Chloroplast

Nucleus - Controls what happens in the cell; contains all the genetic information for the cell and all of its activities

Cytoplasm - A bit like a large 'soup' of chemicals in which the reactions occur.

Cell Membrane - Acts as a barrier and controls the transfew of materials in and out of the cell

Cell Wall - Made of fibres of Cellulose, this gives the plant cells shape and strength. The cell wall fits closely just outside the cell membrane like a box with an inflated ballon stuffed inside.

Vacoule - Stores extra water and provides extra support to the cell by pressing hard against the cell wall.

Chloroplasts - Contains green pigment called Chlorophyll which is needed for photo synthesis.

Note: Some animal and fungall cells do have a vacuole, but are usually smaller and not central

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