roles responsibility and relashionships with family

  • Created by: mawada
  • Created on: 08-05-13 12:10

Ann Oakley -(criticizing young and willmott)

she sais that in young and willmott's research, a family was regarded as symmetrical if the husband did any housework at least once a week. this hardly represented equality within a household.her research found that few men had high levels of participation in housework and childcare, with only 15% of men contributing significantly to the housework and 30% to childcare

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Boulton - childcare

she  said that who does the task   does not adequately represent the burden of responsibility within households. she argues that even wen men help more with childcare, its still mothers who take main responsibility for their children and have to prioritize children over other aspects of life

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hardill et al - power and decision making

examined power in dual earner households. household were classified into those wherer the husbands career took precedence in making major decisions, those where the wifes career took precedence and thoses when neither career was deemed more important that the other. in 19 househholds man was first,in five womans came first and in 6 neither was prioritizes. thus men continue to be dominant in most households

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dumcome and marsden- conjugal roles and emotion wo

they belive thst any measurement of inequality within households mus take into account of emotion work.  they also belive women perform a triple shift, not only doung most of childcare and housecare anf doing there fair share of paid work but also doing vast majority of emotion work

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Dunne- lesbian

dunne done a study on lesbain households and found the most of the work was equally shared  in more than 80% of household studied.  she concluded that masculine and feminine roles in spciety tend to lead to hierarchial relashionships and male dominance. without these gender roles greater equality is easier to achieve

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pizzey - domestic violence

see domestic violence as result from patriachy. in patriachal society men use violence  or threat of violence in order to controll women. also that its wideley torelated and not seen as a serious crime

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brookman - domestic violence

belives that the nature of mascullinity is partly to blame. in our culture masculinity  values controll over others so men can result to violence if they feel they can no longer controll there female partner.

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new right - dysfunctional famillies

new right belive that domestic violene takes plave in dysfunctional faliilies. there view is that violence results from instibillity of familles cause by factors such as cohabitation and divorce and the decline in moral standars in some famillies particularly those from lower classes

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Giddens - emotional intensity and family life

he argues tha its the nature of family life that makes domestic violence quite common. fmaily life is charachterized by emotional intensity and personal intimacy meaning that its normally charged with strong emotions, often mixing love with these circumstances even minor arguments can escalte into acts of violence. the increasing isolation of the nuclearfamily from extended kinship networks may be increasing this intensity.

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cunningham - three principles of contemporary pare

1. children should be seperated from the adult world

2.children can be corrupted through exposure to adult life and they need to be protected from it 

3. the happiness of children is paramount

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jenks - child centered

jenks belives principles as those outlines buy jenkshas led to child centred parenting. this types of parenting results in the needs of children within families taking proioritys oover the needs of adults. the nuturing of children seen as more important that the well being of adults.

jenks relates this to the development of ppostmodern children. in postmodern societies identities have been destabilized so that people are no longer secure, gounded sense of who they are. family life is insecure with frequent divorce. in these circumstances children become the final souce of primary relashionships- the most fuflling and unconditional realshionships. wives and husband and partners have become disposable but children are not and the parent- child bond is threre for the most important in society. children  become subject to increased surveillance becasue parents are more fearfull towrds their children and are determined to protect them

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postman - diappearance of childhood

postman take a very different view of changing relashionships betweeen paretns and children he claims thats the distinction between childhood and adulthood has been eroded in recent years so that childhood no londer exists as a distinct stage in the life course. he belives this is due to growth of mass media,which a=has exposed children to the adult world of sex, violence ans suffering via television and the interner. parents can no longer protact children from exposure to the adult world, so that children grow up quicker and there behaviour becomes less regulated by thiere parents at and earlier age than in the past. this reduces the distictivness of parent child roles within the family

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Chapman - gender roles and fathers

belives parent and child relasihonships have changeed conciderably as a result of the increase in married women in paid employment. in 1960s working women were critisized for neglecting there children, nowaday its seen beter for children to go to nusery and mothers do paid works. this change has also led to fathers becoming more involved in childcare

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smart - gender roles and fathers

reaserched 60 couples who got divorced and found only 1 in which parenting is fully shared between mothers and fathers before divorce. even after divorce, many mothers continued to advise there formed spouse how to relate to there children.

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done a study involving 3000 parents keeping diaries of there activities found that the amount of time parents spent reading to or playing with theire children had quadrupled over recent decades

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grundy and henretta - ageing pop

found that a sandwich generation of women often end up looing after their own elderly parnts and their grand children simultaneously

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jerome - ageing population

elderly parents can become frustrated by lack of access to and time with their children

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