
Features of a river at all stages


Upper stage of river

You will find...

Interlocking spurs- When river erodes downwards producing ridges that cause the river to twist and turn around hard rock, the ridges interlock with eachother.

Waterfalls- When water falls over a cliff, which is made from soft rock and hard rock. The soft rock is eroded by undercutting water and leaves an overhang of hardrock which is left unstable, this collapses into the plungepool and the water fall moves back, this is a continuous cycle.

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Middle stage of river

You will find...

Mianders- Large bends in the river, water moves fastest on outside of miander curve.

Ox-bow lake- Forms when the neck of a miander is too close and ends up joining because it is easier for water to take the shorter route. The rest of the bend isn't used any more so silt is deposited at the neck leaving still water in the ox bow lake.

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Lower stage of a river

You will find...

Flood plain- Wide valley floor , always gets flooded, very fertile ,so good farmland.

Levees- Raised river banks that are formed because of material deposited form floods.

Estuaries- When river widens as it reaches the sea.

Deltas- Formed when a river deposits silt too fast for the sea to remove it.

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