


- Thomas Sydenham observed patients instead of using books. He based treatment on the disease as a whole.

- Vesalius improved understanding of the human body, making study of anatomy fashionable

- William Harvey made the discovery that blood flowed from the heart, in a one way system. To prove this, he dissected bodies.

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Prevention and Treatment

- By 1500, hospitals were treating more sick people

- In 1536, dissolution of the monastries caused more hospitals to close

- Pest houses began to appear

- Some free, charity funded hospitals were set up, but until 1700's they weren't replaced

- Hospitals did re-open

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Great Plague

- Herbal treatmets were still used

- Believed you could sweat disease out

- Miasma seen to be a cause

- People learnt that disease could spread from person to person

- People thought they could transfer their disease to an animal

Exp. Pig

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Causes and Beliefs

- Reduced influence of church

- Few believed astrology caused disease

- Few believed supernatural/religion caused disease

- Four humours was accepted, but less believed

- Theory of Miasma was popular

- New observations were made

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