Quantities and units


Base units and derived units

Base units

  • Lenth - m
  • Mass - kg
  • Time - s
  • Current - A
  • Temperature - Kelvin
  • Amount of substance - Mole

Derived units

  • Speed - D/T - m s-1
  • Acceleration - V/T - m s-2
  • Force - F=MA - Newton - kg m s-2
  • Presure - F/A - Pascals - kg m-1 s-2
  • Work(energy) - Force * distance - Joule - kg m2 s-2
  • Power - W/t - Watt - kg m2 s-3
  • Charge - Current * Time - coloumb - As
  • Potential difference - Workdone/Charge - Volt - kg m2 A-1 s-3
  • Resistance - V/I - ohm - kg m2 A-2 s-3
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Scalars and vectors

Scalars - 1)Distance 2)Speed 3)Time 4)Mass 5)Amount of substance 6)Temperature 7)Charge 8)Energy 9)Potential difference 10)Resistance.

Vectors - 1)Displacement 2)Velocity 3)Acceleration 4)Force 5)Weight 6)Momentum 7)Magnetic flux density 8)Electrical field strength

You can use the COS function for both components

If the angle is 30 degrees, the horizontal component is Fcos30 and the vertical component is Fcos60.

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