Prob E6 inherited


Foregin Relations, Jan 1547

  • Allies = Low Countries, Burgundy and HRE (Hasburg)
  • Traditional enemy  Fr + Scot
  • Firecest enemies = Catholic
  • War still going on v Fr/Scot
  • Aristocracy/gentry wanted war to continued - national pride
    • If Somerset end war = loss of support among landed elites 
  • Council bound by H8 last wishes for E6 + MQof S marriage - secure succession
    • Meant continuing a war based on ill-founded belief that a military victory would force the Scots to agree to the marriage.
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Ec Prob Jan 1547

  • Gov virtually bankrupt 
  • Bad harvests, mid-late 1540s
  • Monastries = gone - trad means of easing agrarian tension - duty not taken up by new landowners (most had profited from D of M)
  • State - left to deal with it - used largely trad based solutions e.g. poor law legislation/anti-enclosure - not supported by landowners (who dominated P/local gov).
  • Depop of rural areas - at same time cloth-making industries were moving to rural areas to avoid over-regulation.
  • Food shortages/unemployment/depression/inflation.
  • War with other coutries = expensive. H8 had spent £2,100,000 mill on war in Fr
    • £152,000 borrowed from contiental bankers
    • Monastic lands seized (1538-40) sold of to pay for this + some of crown lands.
  • Crown land income = £200,000 PA - insufficent to run country + pay of loans.
  • Urgent need to reform the taxation/custom systems + bring the way that finances were adminstrated up to date - S did none of these things due to preoccupation with the war + concern if they raised taxes, this would be unpop with the elites/taxpayers - fell back on debasement/seizing church property.
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E6 tutors

  • John Cheke:
    • Linguistic 
    • E6 well versed in scripture, ph, liberal sciences (maths/hist etc...)
  • Richard Cox:
    • Almoner for E6 household - in charge of the prince's charitable contributions.
    • Latin/Grk - humanist scholars deemed it critical to know the anicent ph e.g. Plato, Aristotle and Cicero.
  • Roger Ascham:
    • Famous writer of the time
    • Also E1 tutor in Grk/Latin
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H8 will - lost?

  • Confirmed succession of E6 + his kids, followed by any sons of CP/H8, then M1/E1 and then the Grey-Brandon descendants of H8 sister Mary (married Charles Brandon, D of Suffolk).
  • Not signed by H8 own hand - legally it should have been.
    • Signed by dry stamp - stamp under control of Sir Antony Denny (turns out he was a more radical reformer than he let on + named on the governing council along with his fellow radical Sir William Herbert).
  • Will turned up a few days after H8 death - dry stamped with his sig - making certain distributions of lands/titles + naming the gov council.
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E6 regency council/gov

  • 16 members + 12 more if needed.
  • Example: Cramner/Seymour/Dudley/Tunstal.
  • Montague (of Common Pleas) + Bromly (of King's bench) = chief justices.
    • Neutral in R matters - express no prefences
  • 5 conservatives, 4 moderates, 2 radicals and 5 neutrals.
  • Could not work effectively.
  • Ed Seymour grasps power
    • Suspicious since he + Paget (friend) had kept H8 death a secret + taken custody of his last will.
    • Was able to rally support this way (including that of Wriothesley, the Lord Chancellor + de facto leader of the conservative faction), who announced that the King's uncle had been named leader of the board of councillors.
    • Eventually becomes Lord Protector.
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Prob with E6

  • Only 9
  • Clear contrast to H7/8 in terms of degree of P auth he was able to exercise. 
  • Prob of his reign - never able to wield power/prerogative in person - despite evd of increasing interest in affairs og gov + determination to be involved. 
  • Not as weak/helpless as he appeared
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H8 legacy

  • R divisions - split country
  • Expensive wars against Fr/Scot
  • Debasement of the coinage
  • Sale of monastic lands - jeopardised long term security of crown.
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R prob in 1547

  • 1539 - Act of 6 Articles - H8 tried to prevent any further legislation.
  • Prot clergy/laity - want more changes.
  • PC = mostly moderate - anxious to keep the support of influential reformers e.g Bish of Ridley and Latimer.
    • Adminstration had to make some gesture towards into R reform - otherwise risk losing support of Prot activists + encourage a Cath revival - could have resulted in the adminstration losing power.
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Long term prob E6 inherited

  • Pop increase - main cause of inflation - greater demand for goods pushed up prices.
  • Living standards threatened + wages not increasing.
  • More people available for employment = more poverty + increase in no of vagrants looking for work.
  • 1549 - poor harvest - level of pop discontent rose.
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