practises and belonging

on buddhism and christian about duties


behaviour codes and duties

When you are part of a religion you are expected to follow certain beliefs/codes. depending on the religion these expectations change. If you do not follow these "codes" you may be encouraged to repent or even be excluded from the religion(roman catholics have done this).

Christian codes: The 10 commandments are the behavior codes for christiand and Jews. They are very important to Christians as the author is God(he gave them to moses on mount Sinai), they are also repeated twice in the Old Testament. The first 4 commandments refer to a persons duty to God and other people. Jesus summed these up into two separate commandments: 1) Love God (this is the most important rule)  2) Love thy neighbour as yourself (is known as the golden rule).

1) worship no other Gods                                6) Do not kill

2) Make no idols                                                7) Do not commit adultery

3) Do not misuse God's name                           8) Do not steal

4) Keep the sabbath day holy                           9) Do not lie

5) Honour your parents                                    10) Do not covet

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behaviour codes and duties 2

Buddhism codes:

Three Refuges- Bhikkhus and bhikkhunis(Buddhist monks) `take refuge' in three things ( the three jewels.)  1) Buddha     2)Dhamma    3) Sangha

Bodhisattva vows-leads all beings into Nibbana and to enter nibbana only after all beings have been liberated. This occurs after a person has already achieved a considerable amount of enlightenment. It means that they will promise o help others become enlightened.

Metta- loving kindness, a pure love which is not selfish.

Tithing-giving a tenth of what you earn to a charity.

Monastic code-Bhikkhus and bhikkhunis have to follow this which has a lot of extra rules to follow about food, meal times, luxuries, money etc.

5 moral precepts- 1) not to cause harm by physical actions   2) not to cause harm by speech

3) not to cause harm by sexual activity    4) not to steal    5) not to take intoxication's

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Dietary laws

Buddhism and food:

Many are vegetarians because of the first precept(not harming living creatures), also due to re birth they may be eating a friend or relative. Meat eating is allowed but vegetarianism is encouraged, some Buddhists may not be able to follow vegetarianism due to health issues and this should not reflect on them as a religious person. Buddha advised Monks to avoid eating: Boars; Dogs; Elephants; Horses; Humans; Hyena's; Lions; Snakes; and Tigers. However Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis must eat what is offered to them but not kill the animal themselves. This is because they rely on alms(donations)  and must not be disrespectful by rejecting what is offered.

Christianity and food:

Most eat meat however some are vegetarians but this has nothing to do with religious beliefs. Genesis chapter 1 states that humans are superior to animals, showing that meat is fine to eat. God said to Noah         " Everything that lives will be food for you", showing that there are not christian dietary laws on meat. Gos also gave peter permission in a vision to eat creature which he felt were "unclean". Some Christians feel that eating only organic and free range meat is good stewardship.

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