Political Parties Exam Questions

  • Created by: Elena.S
  • Created on: 31-05-17 13:42

Define political party (5)

  • association of people who share similar political philosophy/political ideas + wish to convert beliefs into political action
  • organisation seeking representation + ultimately gov. power or share in power
  • organisation that develope politics + programmes, select candidates for office, seek to have candidates elected
  • major parties seek absolute gov. power
  • minor parties seek share in power or influence through legisl.
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Main features of parties (5)

  • parties are associations ∴ have some kind of formal structure or hierarchy (except Greens with informal membership + organisation
  • identifiable leader (expect Greens until 2008)
  • identifiable policy programme upon which they campaign (manifestos)
  • systems for developing policies + selecting Canada dates who will stand for election for representative assemblies/parliaments
  • membership, many who will be activists, serve on committees, campaign for party + help run electoral campaigns
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Main functions of parties (5)

  • developing policies + political programmes (aggregation: process of taking indiv. policies + aggregating into single/coherent political programme)
  • educative in informing citizens about politics issues + presenting alternatives from which they can choose
  • representative function in that they claim to represent national interest of interest of sections of society, reflecting those interests in policies
  • selecting suitable candidates for election/public offices (also training ground for leaders)
  • informing voters about issues + candidates + encouraging people to vote
  • running business of Westminster, devolved assemblies, local gov., staffing committees + organising legisl. business
  • reinforcing consent for system of parliamentary democracy bc they all support current political system
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Nature of consensus politics (5)

  • main political parties adopt broadly similar policies that overlap
  • general agreement over most political decisions, reflecting broader opinion among electorate
  • conflict comes from policy detail + who to deliver policies + competence of gov.?opposion
  • i.e 1950s-1960s, post-2005
  • in some cases, parties agree to suspend political conflict i.e the Troubles (1968-2007), Iraq War, post-war involvement (2003-), war on terror, no criticism from gov./opposition during 2008 financial crisis due to preventing disunity
  • coalition gov. whereby multiple parties agree on set of policies based on consensus views i.e Europe, Wales, Scotland

A very formal version of consensus politics occurs when there is a coalition government and two or more parties develop an agreed set of policies based on consensus views. This is common in much of Europe, but rare in the UK. It has, however, been a feature of politics in Wales and Scotland since devolution.

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Nature of adversary politics (5)


  • where two < parties tend to oppose each other on all issues, presenting issues as clear choice between v different alternatives
  • i.e clashes between gov. + opposition in Parliament, between PM and leader of opposition
  • opposition opposes for sake of opposing to serve democracy effectively


  • wide gulf between policies of main parties i.e ideological beliefs
    i.e 1980s: neo-lib Thatcherism + hard left Labour
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Areas of consensus (10)

1) foreign policy in Middle East (Iraq + Afghanistan) bc British troops have important role to play HOWEVER disagreement over precise nature of role + duration
2) educational provision bc need for choice in secondary education + high levels of expenditure + broad objectives of national curriculum HOWEVER disagreement over detail + quality + Lib Dem concern over use of targets + funding of higher education
3) principles of welfare state HOWEVER disagreement over detailed operation of welfare services
4) economic policy + supports for free market system + controlling inflation + responsible public finance HOWEVER disagreement over how Labour gov. allowed private + public debt to growing leading to 2008 crisis
5) policies combating family breakdown + deprivation in poorer areas + lack of opportunity for young + addressing general inequality + lack of social justice HOWEVER disagreement over methods > priorities
6) environmental protection + climate change + renewable energy production HOWEVER disagreement over details of policy + appropriate renewables + nuclear energy

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Areas of conflict (10) (1/2)

  • relationship with EU
    Tory: resist closer intergration + no prospect of adopting Euro
    Labour: membership vital to UK interests but drawing strict lines to prevent loss of sovereignty + adoption of Euro in distant future
    Lib Dems: closer political/economic intergration + swift adoption of Euro
  • law and order policy
    Tory: authoritarian approach with personal responsibility as basis of crime
    Labour: authoritarian approach with social causes as basis of crime
    Lib Dems: different approach based on causes of crime
  • rights issues
    Tory: extensive HRA replaced with limited British Bill of RIghts + opposing ID cards + opposing proposal of terrorist suspects held without charge or trial
    Labour: support HRA
    Lib Dems: oppose ID cards + oppose proposal of terrorist suspects being held without charge or trial + limited HRA should be extended + binding on Parliament
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Areas of conflict (10) (1/2)

  • transport policy
    Tory: free market approach
    Labour: environmental curbs on private motoring
    Lib Dems: large extensions in public transport
  • tax policies
    Tory: continuation of current system
    Labour: continuation of current system
    Lib Dem: unfair system should redistribute income from rich to poor + replacing local council tax with local income tax
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Main beliefs of Labour (10) (1/2)

  • acceptance of free market without gov. intervention
  • taxation of both private indiv. + firms should be low as possible to encourage enterprise
  • combating inflation
  • best response to poverty is offering tax credits to "deserving poor" (i.e low incomes + seeking work + poor pensioners + families with children) so welfare is incentive > disincentive to work
  • education is priority at all levels + is best way to spread opportunity evenly + to create more effective + wealth creating workforce + weapon against youth crime
  • free comprehensive healthcare provision funded mostly from taxes but with private sector involvement to create better value for money or faster + effective treatment
  • protecting rights of workers in workplace without return to strong + influential trade unions
  • reduction of poverty among children + pensioners
  • tackling crime through 1) use of exemplary prison sentences as deterrent 2) more effective policing 3) adoption of education + training + welfare + housing policies to reduce deprivation + lack of opportunity for young
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Main beliefs of Labour (10) (2/2)

  • inclusion in EU but without surrendinging significatnt political + economic sovereignty to Europe + adopting Euro in future with favourable economic circumstances
  • supporting NATO and special relationship with USA + promoting common European foreign policy
  • policies to reduce carbon emissions by private motorists + nuclear/renewable sources of energy
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Main beliefs of Conservatives (10) (1/2)

  • minimal statism through reduced taxation + regulation upon personal +business activity
  • tax cuts shoudn't threaten provision of public services
  • authoritarian elements of law + order policy bc prison is a good deterrent against crime
  • youth crime has social origins so improvements in family life + provision of opportunities will have positive impact on crime levels
  • acceptance that too much inequality + poverty exists so state has responsibility (along with indiv. + families) to improve opportunities available for young people
  • concern for environment i.e climate change + carbon emissions but environmental policies shouldn't present restrictions on industrial + commercial activity
  • support for principles of welfare state with enthusiasm for role of private sector i.e pensions + health provision
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Main beliefs of Conservatives (10) (1/2)

  • enthusiastic about retention of selective secondary schools
  • expansion of practical + vocational training opportunities
  • support of rights + interests of owners of private property bc property ownership is fundamental right + should be encouraged through gov. policies
  • scepticism about growing integration of EU + opposition of any further losses of UK sovereignty + no adoption of Euro in foreseeable future
  • strong alliance with USA but common European foreign policy is neither feasible nor desirable
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Main beliefs of Lib Dems (10)

  • strong supporters of individual and minority rights ∴ wish to make ECHR binding on UK Parliament
  • wish to renew democracy in UK + reduce democratic deficit through codified constitution + PR in general elections + strengthened devolution + intro. of fully elected second chamber
    • deep concern for environmental matters + support greater investment in renewable energy sources + curbs on carbon emissions in industry + transport + greater investment in public transport
  • reformation of tax system to be fairer to those on low incomes + greater redistribution + replacing local council tax with local income tax
  • support principles of welfare state + suspicious about involvement of private sector in welfare provision + emphasis on poverty reduction for pensioners
  • opposed to selection in secondary education + support greater investment in all schools for more equality of opportunity through educational provision + further extensions in higher education with abolition of tuition fee top-up payments
  • support for EU + need for closer integration including rapid adoption of Euro in UK
  • support for common European defence + foreign policy (considered possible + desirable)
  • :/ about alliance with USA + UK to stay in NATO + against Iraq War/Middle East
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Nature of trad. conservatism (10)

  • society as organic whole in which prosperous + successful have responsibity to care for less well off
  • importance of trad. values + institutions that should be retained to maintain continuity with past + underpin society + retain values for society i.e monarchy, established religion, parliamentary institutions, family values + common values/morality as vital to maintain stability between generations
  • private property should encouraged + support bc widespread ownership encourages sense of responsibility + stability
  • authoritarian approach to law + order bc crime is matter of personal responsibility + punishment should concentrate on deterrence
  • attempts for equal society are artificial + deny fact that people naturally have different levels of ability + potential however fortunate have responsibility to help + protect less fortunate (noblesse oblige)
  • minimal statism (support for free market economics) but state has responsibility to maintain welfare for all (some intervention)
  • nationalists in that state should protect British national interests (pragmatic approach to European intergration)
  • unionists
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Nature of Thatcherism (10)

  • neo-lib idea that gov. activity to be as minimal as possible through monetary policy (gov. shouldn't actively control economy but maintain financial disciplines + avoid excess gov. borrowing + regulate issuing of currency to avoid inflation) + low tax + free market economics)
  • powerful trade union as obstacle to private innovation + economic growth bc they pursue interest of workers > private enterprise
  • strong nationalists + unionists + eurosceptic (EU threatens UK political sovereignty so should be limited to maintaining free markets)
  • welfare provision leads to dependency culture ∴ welfare to be limited to those unable to provide for themselves through no fault of their own + some welfare state features i.e pensions + education + health should be maintained through some privatisation
  • inequality as natural + positive force incentivising indiv. to become wealthier
  • gov. to leave environmental solutions to free market if public demand exists
  • authoritarian law + order
  • maintenance of trad. values to maintain cohesion + stability in indiv. society
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Nature of trad. socialism (10)

  • inequality is unnatural + undesirable ∴ state has responsibility to reduce inequality + create greater equality of opportunity
  • society as fundamentally divided along class lines + class conflict as inevitable consequence of capitalism
  • goals best achieved collectively i.e education + healthcare + low cost housing + pensions + collective protection for workers (unions)
  • free market capitalism contains significant faults i.e too much power in bourgeoisie + exploiting proletariat + not serving community ∴ state justified in interfering with capitalism
  • capitalist monopolies should be nationalised or under worker co-op control
  • redistribution of wealth from rich to poor using progressive tax + welfare system
  • state-run welfare system should be create that all who can contribute to + all are equally entitled to its benefits i.e health + education + pensions + social housing + unemployment support + support for low income families + local gov. services (care for elderly + long term disabled people)
  • all should enjoy equal civil + social + economic rights (equal treatment for minorities i.e women + ethnic minorities + disabled + the aged + LGBT+)
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Nature of New Labour/Third Way (10)

  • key thinkers: Smith + Blair + Mandelson + Gould + Brown + Cook
  • Third Way: political beliefs neither socialist nor Thatcherite
  • free market capitalism as most effective way of creating national wealth + policies should ensure that all have opportunity to share in wealth created under capitalism
  • combination of free market/capitalist economy + society enjoying social justice
  • rejection of socialist economic equality but equality of opportunity (unjustifiable inequalities removed through tax + welfare policies)
  • strong + effective welfare state promoting self-reliance + personal responsibility i.e home ownership + private pensions + employment opportunities encouraged alongside state provision of such services
  • interference in economy only for stable currency + low inflation + full employment (encouraged by private enterprise culture + flexible workforce)
  • state education behind greater equality of opportunity + improved life chances + less property + less crime + more dynamic + productive workforce
  • UK membership of EU as key to economic prosperity + competitiveness of industry
  • UK having responsibility to reduce world poverty + encourage free world trade
  • foreign policy based on morality + maintenance of world stability (ethical foreign policy)
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Nature of liberalism (10)

  • concerned with extending + protecting freedom of both indiv. + minorities (implies strong defence of rights + tolerant/rights-aware political system)
  • society as collection of free indiv. though we have moral responsibility to consider welfare of others
  • positive role for state in promoting equality of opportunity + social justice + provision of welfare
  • emphasis on equal rights for indiv. + groups
  • extension of pluralist democracy (implies popular influence over gov. + ensuring that different groups can influence decision-making + tolerance of different beliefs/lifestyles/cultures by gov./society
  • dispersal of gov. power so that gov. is fully accountable
  • state has responsibility to promote equality of opportunity + social justice + provision of welfare in free market capitalism with minimal statism
  • support of multiculturalism (different ethnic + cultural groups should be tolerated + protected + diveristy in society is positive force + should be celebrated)
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Labour under Corbyn (10)

  • shift towards left (split between hard/soft left) + rejection of Third Way
  • pro-EU but officially Leave
  • anti-austerity
  • renationalisation of key industries i.e steel, railways
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Tories under May (10)

  • shift towards One Nation i.e increased funding into NHS
  • eurosceptic
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