Physics - Motion

P2   1 Motion


Distance-Time Graphs

The steeper the line on a distance-time graph, the greater the speed it is representing

SPEED = Distance Travelled/Time Taken

The unit of speed is M/S.

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The VELOCITY is its speed in a given dierction

If the direction is changed so does the velocity

When velocity changes we call it ACCELERATION

ACCELERATION = Change in Velocity/Time Taken for the Change

ACCELERATION is measured in metres per second squared, m/s2

If the value is negative, it is DECELERATING

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Velocity-Time Graphs

Shows the velocity of a body agaisnt the time taken.

A slope represents accleration, the steeper - the greater

If it is negative it is decelerating

Area under line is distance travelled

Bigger the area the further travelled

Horizontal line represnts movement, at a continuous speed

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Using Graphs

Distance-Time-   If you calculate slope (not area underneath) answer is the speed

Velocity-Time-    If you calculate slope (not area underneath) answer is accerleartion. Underneath = DISTANCE TRAVELLED

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