Oral Health Assessmen

  • Created by: gibs
  • Created on: 30-05-15 18:10

effect on ageing on the soft tissues


Has less underlying fat and elasticity 

This gives increased tissue fragility and the likely hood of soft tissue trauma and brushing postoperatively 


more brittle/ postmenopausal women/ osteoporosis

increase of jaw fracture during extraction 

the natural resorption of the jaw bone following tooth extraction make denture retention more difficult to achieve 

Oral Mucosa 

thinner and less elastic/ easier to traumatise  during treatment/ alvelor ridges areas are less tolerant of bearig dentures/ discomfort and ulceration more likely 

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ageing on the soft tissue

Salivary glands 

undergo an alteration of the salivary components and volume, especially with certain drugs


increased caries rate, slef clensed action of saliva is reduced 

problems with swallowing,speech, denture retention/ increaed incidence of localised periodontal conditions


darkening in colour/ shade matching more difficult to achieve 

narrowing and sclerosis of pulp chamber / difficulties in gaining acess to root canals during endodontic treatment 

reduced sensitivy 

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basic structure & function of oral and dental anat


to cut up food for swallowing 

to expose the food surfaces to enzymes and allow digestion to begin

to support the oral soft tissuesof the cheeks and tongue/ enable speech 

all teeth are composed of the same four tissues 

Enamel/ tissue covering the whole crown of the tooth

Dentine/ a less calcified tissue than enamal but forms the inner bulk of the crown and root

Cementum/ a thin calcified covering of the root dentine only 

pulp/ the inner neurovascular tissue of the tooth, within the central pulp chamber 

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96% mineral crystals in an organic matrix called interprismatic substance 

main mineral cystals calcium hydroxyapatite 

Enamel is formed before tooth eruption by the ameloblast cells which lie in the ADJ

contained no nerves or blood vessels and therefore cannot experience any sensation 

damage is permanent cannot repair its self 

can reminerlize from tooth paste and mouthwash

thickests over the biting surface and thiniest at the neck 

it is translucent in apperance  so shade is determined by colour of underlying dentine 

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It consits of 80% inorganic tissue mainly calcium hydroxyapatite crystals 

It is composed of hollow tubes that originally surrounded the cless within the dentine structure as it was first being formed 

In a fully formed toothe these odontoblast cells lie along the inner edge of the pulp chamber only, but are present throughout life and can lay down more dentine as required

Repair itself by laying down secondry dentine 

this type of dentine is formed apart of the natural aging process and its formation gradually narrows the pulp chamber

dentine is a living tissue/ transmit sensations of pain and thermal changes to the brain 

It hollow structure allows it a degree of elasticity so that it can absorb normal chewing forces 

allows tooth decay to spread more rapidly though its hollow structure 

dentine is a yellowish colour and gives teeth its own individual shade 

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protective covering of the root

crystals lie within a matrix of fibrous tissue with the ends of collagen fibers from the periodontal ligament inserted into the outer layer of the cementum 

this allows attachment of the root to the periodontal ligament and therefore to the walls of the tooth socket 

formed by cells called cementoblasts and continue laying down more tissue layer when required 

contains no neverves or blood vessels itself so it recieves nutrients form the periodontal ligament 

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