
Mode is where you find the most commen number from the varitey of nummbers you are given 

  • Created by: ppsd
  • Created on: 25-07-14 13:17


Mode is where you find the most commonumber from the varitey of nummbers you are given. 

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Prime Numbers

Prime numbers are numbers which can only be divided by itself and 1. All primes end in 1,3,7,or 9 apart from 3 and 5

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Range is where you find out the smallest number and take it away from the biggest number.

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Acute angels are 0 degrees to 89 degrees.

Right angels are 90 degrees.

Obtuse angles are 91 degrees to 179 degrees.

Straight angles is 180 degrees.

Reflex angles are  181 degrees to 360 degrees

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To find out mean you have to add all the numbers up then divide it from how many numbers you added up.

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