Matters of Life

  • Created by: Stanier
  • Created on: 17-05-17 11:18

When does life begin?

Before conception- Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs believe a pre-existing life force enters the body at conception.

Conception- Some believe that life starts at conception this is mainly a Roman Catholic belief however some Christians agree with this as well.

14 days- After conception the embryo becomes attached to the womb.

Three weeks- After conception the heart begins to beat.

Quickening-The first movements in the womb may be felt after about nine weeks.

Ensoulment-Muslims believe the foetus gains a soul 120 days after conception. This could be linked with the development of the nervous system, brain activity or organ development.

Viability-This is when the foetus could survive if born prematurely.

Birth-Jews believe human life starts at birth.

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