Maths (number)




The top number of a fraction is called a numerator.
The bottom number of a fraction is called a denominator.

Multiplying fractions: You multiply the tops of both fractions together and the bottom of both fractions together.
e.g.) 1/3 x 1/4 = 1x1/3x4 = 1/12

Dividing fractions: You have to flip one of the fractions, then times the fractions.
e.g.) 1/3 ¸ 1/7 = 1/3 x 7/1 = 7/3 = 2 1/3

Adding fractions: If the denominators are equal, you just add the numerators together. if the denominators are un equal, times the bases together to make them equal, then times the numerator by the denominator of the other fraction.
e.g.) 1/5 + 2/5 = 3/5
e.g.) 1/5 + 3/10 =  2/10 + 3/10 = 5/10 +1/2

Taking fractions: This is the same as adding fractions, but instead of adding you take away.

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Prime Factors


3          20

       4           5

  2        2

(The numbers at the end of a pranch that cannot be split anymore are prime numbers)
3,5,2,2 are all prime factors of 60.

60 = 3 x 2 x 2 x 5
60 = 2² x 3 x 5

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Standard Form

Hot to set out Standard form:
just the digits (with the decimal point placed after the first digit),
Followed by: ×10 to a power that would put the decimal point back where it should be.

e.g.) 4.5 × 104 = 45,000

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