Maths M8

GCSE Module 8


Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division – Fractions
Adding and subtracting
To add or subtract fractions, they have to have the same denominator.
If the denominators are different you have to find the lowest common multiple.

1/5 + 1/2 = 7/10

7/9 - 1/6 = 33/54

Multiplying fractions
To multiply fractions you have to multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators. To simplify the fractions you can cancel out opposite numbers.

2/5 × 7/8 = 2/5 x 7/8 = 1/5 x 7/4 = 7/20

Dividing fractions
To divide fractions you have to turn the second fraction upside down and then multiply.
3/5 ÷ 6/7 =3/5 × 7/6 =1/5 × 7/2 (the top 3 and bottom 6 cancel) = 1×7/5×2 =7/10

1 of 1




umm.. i think you should put past papers up instead

Liam Bristow


really helpful, thanks very much! :)

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