Communicable Diseases


How are communicable diseases spread?

  • Direct contact 
  • Exchange of body fluids e.g. blood or saliva
  • Air
  • Food or water
  • Vectors e.g. insects
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How to control the spread of disease

  • Hygiene e.g proper sanitation and cleaning facilities
  • Vaccination 
  • Isolation - keep a person from direct contact or exchange of body fluids
  • Controlling vectors
  • Barrier cntraception e.g. condoms
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Bacterial Diseases - Salmonella


Person eating food containing bacteria or the food is prepare in unhygienic conditions. The salmonella bacteria secretes toxins.


Fever, cramps, vomiting, diarrhoea.

How to reduce it:

Poultry are vaccinated tor reduce the risk of chicken products containing salmonella.

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Bacterial Diseases - Gonorrhoea

Type of STI


Type of bacteria spread through sexual contact.


Thick yellow/green discharge from penis or vagina and pain on urinating.


Barrier method e.g. condom.


Penicillin, however there are types of penicillin resistant bacteria which makes treatment difficult.

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Bacterial Diseases - Tuberculosis


Caused by bacteria spread through air. The bacteria has a thick waxy coat and it lies dormant for many years. 


Bacteria attacks respiratory system which causes lung damage, coughig, fever and fatigue.


A course of antibiotics. 3/4 are taken daily fo six months to fight the drug resistant strains. 


BCG vaccination is 50 - 80% effective but its very expensive.

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Other Bacterial Diseases

Cholera - infects small intestine and causes diarrhoea and sever dehydration. Spread by water.

Chlamydia - STI that causes penis/vagina discharge and ain on urination

Heliobacter - infects stomach where they attack lining and causes stoa=mach ulcers and spread by saliva.

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Viral Diseases - Measles


Virus spread by inhaling sneeze and cough droplets


Fever, red skin rash across the body and can be fatal if there are complications


No specific tratment, doctors treat symptoms and hope patients immune system can fight the virus - several weeks


Vaccination - MMR at 15 months

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Viral Diseases - HIV


Sexual contact, exchage of body fluids e.g. blood


Flu - like


Antivetroviral drugs to try to control the virus

The virus can enter lymph nodes which attacks body's immune cells

Could lead to: AIDS (more susceptible to infections)

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Other Viral Diseases


Sypmtoms: fever, sore throat, runny nose and muscle ache

Prevention: flu vaccines for the some strains - there are many


Causes: contact and infected body fluids

Symptoms: flu like but can cause haemorrhagic fever and internal bleeding which has high risk of death

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Fungal Diseases

  • Eukaryotic organisms
  • Unicellular or multicellular
  • Some produce toxins - harm plants and animals
  • Reproduce by releasing airborne spores
  • Atletes foot is common in humans
  • Many plant fungal diseases causing huge crop loss
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Fungal Diseases - Chalara ash dieback


Airborne fungal spores which the wind spreads for miles 


Affects ash trees by causing leaf loss and bark lesions - FATAL


No treatment 


Infected tress cut down and burnt 

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Fungal Diseases - Rose Black Spot


Fungal spores spread through water or blown around and germinate on a new plant


Purple balck patches and early leaf loss - can die

Treatment + Prevention:

Chemical fungicides used to kill fungus oon affected plants and controll spread of disease

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Protist Diseases

Majority of protists are single celled and microscopic

Types of protists: algae, amoebas + slime moulds

Protists are parasites of animals e.g. protist that causes malaria

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Protist Diseases - Malaria


Malarial protist spread by female mosquitoes vectors and as they feed on blood and infects human with malaria.


Repeated episodes of fever; blood and liver damage - potentially fatal


  • Killing mosquitoes or preventing them from breeding
  • Avoid being biitten by mosquitoes using a repellent or sleeping under a mosquito net
  • Prevent malaria developing if you're infected by taking anti malarial medicine
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Non Specific Body Defences

Skin - protects body from physical damage, dehydration, entry of microorganisms.

Blood - When the skin is cut the platelets in the blood clot at the site of the wound and this stops microorganisms entering damaged surface.

Muceous membranes - lines trachea, bronci in the lungs and the nose. Mucus secreted traps microorganisms in the passageways. 

LungsCilia transports mucus and trapped microorganisms across membrane surface and out of the body.

Eyes - tears in the eyes contain lysozyme which kill bacteria

Stomach - HCl in stomach creates low pH environment destroying microorganisms

Sweat - produced by skin contains chemicals that kill microorganisms

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Identifying Plant Diseases

  • Spots on leaves
  • Growths
  • Discolouration
  • Malformed stems and leaves
  • Areas of decay
  • Stunted growth
  • Presence of pests
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Bacterial Diseases - Crown Gall Disease


Bacteria that enters plant through wounds on roots or stem


Plant tissues grow abnormally and produce swellings called galls and pprevents plant from being able to transport water and nutrients


Infected plants removed

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Physical Plant Defences

Cell walls: Made of cellulosethat helps protect plant cells from being invade. To breakk it microorganisms have to produce special enzymes

Leaf cuticle: reduces water loss by evaporation and prevents fungi, bacteria and fungi from entering  the leaf tissue.

Plant stems: surrounded by a layer of dead plant cells that are tough and wwody that is difficult for herbivores and pathogens to penetrate

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Mechanical Plant Defences

Thorns and hairs: slows down rate at whcich herbivorous animals can feed on a plant. The hairs are used to defend plants from insects.

Spines: they're sharp to make it difficult for herbivores to reach the plant tissue. 

Moving leaves: curl or droop when touched to reduce surface area of the leaf  available for the herbivores to eat or dislodge insects from plants

Mimicry: adapt to look like other plants to prevent herbivores eating them

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Chemical Plant Defences

Antimicrobial chemicals: kills or slows growth of pathogens. Some target specific pathogens and some are effective against a range of pathogens.

Poisons: have a bitter taste so herbivores don't eat them. Some cause severe side effects and death.

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