Macbeth Key Quotes

  • Created by: bbaiton
  • Created on: 31-05-18 11:14

Act 1

"Fair is foul and foul is fair" - Supernatural

"So fair and foul a day I have not seen" - Supernatural

"My dearest partner of greatness" - Ambition

"come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts" - Supernatural

"unsex me here" - Gender

"O never shall sun that morrow see" - Deception/Betrayal

"Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under 't" - Deception/Betrayal

"We will proceed no further in this business" - Deception/Betrayal

"If it were...'twere well it were done'assassination" - Deception/Betrayal

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Act 2

"Is this a dagger I see before me, the handle towards my hand?" - Madness

" will make us mad" - Madness

"I have done the deed" - Deception/Betrayal

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Act 3

"We have scorch'd the snake, not kill'd it" - Deception/BetrayalAmbition

"...O full of scorpions is my mind" - Supernatural

"Never shake thy gory locks at me" - Deception/Betrayal

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Act 4

"Something wicked this way comes" - Betrayal/Deception

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Act 5

"Out damned spot: out I say" - Madness

"What's done cannot be undone" - Madness

"The dead butcher" - Madness

"and his fiend-like" - Deception/Betrayal

"Queen" - Power

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it is very good and i like it

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