
  • Created by: Jacqui2
  • Created on: 02-05-17 10:37


  • Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
  • They are insouble in water and hydrophobic - can be dissolved in organic solvents like alcohol

Triglycerides - Compounds of fats and oils

  • Formed in condensation reactions between 3 fatty acids and an alcohol called glycerol
  • With this an Ester bond is made

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Fatty Acids/Triglycerides

Fatty acids combined in fats and oils have long hydrocarbon tails.The hydrophobic properties of triglycerides are due to these tails. Fatty acids are acids because their functional group (-COOH) tends to ionise slightly to produce hyrdrogen ions, which is the property of an acid.

- COOH ---------> -COO-  + H+

The functional group og these three organic acids react with the three -COH functional groups of glycerol to form a triglyceride

Saturated Triglycerides

  • Fats and oils that are saturated have no double bonds between the carbon atoms

Unsaturated Triglycerides

  • Unsaturated fats and oils have one or more double bonds
  • Fats containing several double bonds are called polyunsaturated
  • Fats with unsaturated fatty acids melt at lower temperatures because their tails do not pack so closely together -(butter performs better in the fridge)
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Roles of Fats and Oils

1). Energy Store

  • Because of the hydrocarbon tails, lipids are energy rich when broken down

2). Protection and Insulation 

  • Protection of internal organs
  • Thermal Insulation
  • Electrical Insulation - forms myelin sheath around nerve cells

3). Waterproofing

  • Wax is a form of a structural lipid and is found on skin, feathers, leaves, fruit etc

4). Water Storage

  • When fats are oxidised, water is produced
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Similar to triglycerides, excpet one fatty acid is replaced by a phosphate group

The phosphate group is ionised, having a negative charge, so water molecules are attracted to this part

Cell membranes are made almost entirely of protein and lipid, together with a small and variable amount of carbohydrate. The lipid of cell membranes is phospholipids


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