Life stages

what the lifestage is, the age range, norms and physical,intellectual,emotional,social characteristics.



Age range: 0-2 years.


  • sit unaided - no support given
  • start to speak - development of the language skills
  • solo play - playing alone or alongside someone
  • gross motor skills - skipping, paddling, walk, crawl

Physical characteristics:

  • grow taller
  • able to crawl walk run
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  • ****ing relfex - the infant will **** on a finger placed in their mouth
  • rooting reflex - if the infants face is stroked gently they will turn their head searching for the breast to be fed.
  • grasping reflex - the infant will curl their fingers around anything placed in their hand.
  • stepping reflex - if the infant is held standing on a firm surface, they will make stepping movements.
  • startle (moro) reflex - a loud noise or being moved quickly will cause the infant to open their hands and throw their arms back. 
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intellectual characteristics:

  • infants are egocentric (self-important), this means that they can only see the world from their point of view.
  • they can not talk or understand language, so they can only learn through sight, sound, taste, smell and touch. this is why they put everything in their mouth.
  • at 3-months they make noises when spoken to.
  • a 6-month old infant will not look for a toy if they drop it out of their cot.
  • at 9-months they learn even if they can not see something it is still there.
  • they begin to put thoughts in to words.
  • when they learn to talk they always ask why questions.
  • they learn to smile and make eye contact with people.
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emotional characteristic:

  • in their first year they will develop a strong emotional bond with the parent or main carer.
  • they have to bond with someone and experience attachment before they can feel jealousy.
  • they have to be able to tell the difference between strangers and people they know before they can feel shy.
  • if bonding does not occur the infant can become disruptive and may feel unloved and unwanted.

social characteristics:

  • new born babies have no sense of personal identity
  • they know nothing about the world or anyone in it
  • they get to recognise there carers face, smell, touch and voice.
  • they still do not understand that other people have thoughts and feelings
  • up to the age of two they will play solo
  • by two years they will play near other infants
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age range: 3-8 years


  • fine motor skills - painting, drawing, colouring
  • co-operative play  - when they play with someone not alongside.
  • intellectual development - develops new skills
  • reading and writing - (fine motor skills)
  • moral development - learning what is right and wrong

physical characteristics:

  • grow taller
  • able to run, skip, hop and jump
  • improved co-ordination - better aim
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intellectual characteristics:

  • they learn to talk and develop a much wider vocabulary
  • at the end of this life stage they will begin to understand concepts.
  • concepts such as colours, number, size, symbols.
  • the child have simple understanding of right and wrong
  • at the age of 5 or so they understand how to organise their thoughts

emotional characteristics:

  • they experience a wider range of emotions compaired to be an infant
  • they learn they should express their emotions differently in different situations.
  • they still depend on their carers and close family members.

social characteristics:

  • by the age of four they need other children to play with
  • by five they are attending school, and meeting new people
  • by five they co-operate with others in their peer group in games
  • at five they can understand more about others
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age range - 9-18 years


  • puberty - development of hair and changes
  • emotional changes - hormones: oestrogen/testosterone
  • develop sense of own values
  • more independent

Physical characteristics -


  • gorw taller
  • periods start - menstryation
  • pubic hair grow
  • hips broaden
  • breasts develop
  • gain weight
  • acne/spots
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  • grow taller
  • voice breaks
  • pubic hair grows
  • shoulders broaden
  • testes produce sperm
  • penis grows
  • gain weight

intellectual characteristic:

  • they have a growth spurt in their mind too
  • they learn to think in different ways
  • they learn to synthesize information
  • they blend information together
  • they learn new abilities to think and argue
  • make their own descisions
  • think independently
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emotional characteristics:

  • hormones change which effects emotions in puberty
  • experience mood swings
  • looking for a sense of personal identity
  • they can become insecure about there looks and weight etc..

social characteristics:

  • peer groups become increasingly important
  • parents decrease in value
  • become more independent and dont rely on family as much
  • they develop who they are in peer groups.
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eager beaver to learn


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