La Polución - AQA Spanish A2


  • Created by: Sarah
  • Created on: 03-04-12 12:49

Un mundo contaminado

La amenaza - threat

El calentamiento - warming

Una ola de calor - a heatwave

Nocivo - harmful

Concienciar - to make aware

Explotar - to exploit

Fomentar - to encourage, to promote

Promover - to promote

Provocar - to cause

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Un mundo más limpio

Un decibelio - a decibel

Macilento - pale, sickly

La pérdida - loss

Ahogarse - to gasp for breath

Aquejar - to afflict


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El transporte

Un kilovatio - a kilowatt

Una red - a network

El trayecto - a journey

Alcanzar - to reach

Facilitar - to offer, to provide

Implantar - to set up

Potenciar - to promote

Subvencionar - to subsidise

Trasladar - to move

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