Key Quotes


Quote 1

Context: Early in the novel the boys voted for a leader

Themes: friendship/exclusions, civilisation, morality, logic/reason, democracy, childish innocence - hints of evil                "For the moment  the boys were a closed circuit of sympathy with Piggy outside"

For the moment - definate article = immediate - almost captured sense of time - could interpret as foreshadowing later events. Now tame -> eventually death

the boys - repetion of definate article conveys a sense of togetherness - (plural/nameless) - contrasts with singular 'Piggy' = exclusion/difference

closed circuit - alliteration on hard sound - almost metaphorical for boys being inpenetrable group = cicuit also has links to electricity = danger + tension - emphasises alliteration = threatening

sympathy - connotations of understanding/warmth = could infer deep down some boys feel this but aren't secure enough to show it -> foreshadowing control/peer pressure later in novel - alternatively Golding could be using this ironically -> hints at evil

Evalutation: - Right form the beginning of the novel - Golding hints at the true nature of the boys - civilised action of giving a name can live to a savage reaction - Foreshadows theme of separation/exclusion - boys try to emulate adult world - names - breaks down to cruel impulsiveness

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Quote 2

Context: Comes when Roger is throwing stones at a littlun, he is throwing to miss yet he is still hiding                       Themes: nature vs nurture, grown ups / authority / good vs evil / civilisation - savagery                                                   "Here, invisible yet strong, was the taboo of the old life"

Invisible - links with the impression of Roger as a furtive, hidden character = untrustworthy

yet strong - nurture: conditioned by rules of society = still have power of Roger - connotations of being unbreakable / permanent

embedded clause = separation = Roger= different to the other boys

taboo - rules of the old life forbidden = boys should be enjoying freedom but Roger here 'bullying' littluns = but within limits

definate article - irony as sense of togethrness yet Roger is separated from the rest

old life - adjective = connotations of memories / past life = forgotten what they know

Evaluation: used to explore theme of nature vs nurture - evil within Roger always there- as novel progresses power of civilisation (nurture) is taken over by his nature - foreshadows deliberately killing Piggy 'stick shapened at both ends' - most evil character

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Quote 3

Context: Jack has painted his face to help camouflage him whilst hunting - Using Red and Black colours

Themes: descent into savagery, Jack, Childish innocence

"The mask compelled them"

definate article: almost personifies mask: childlike wonder - how they can be absorbed by something simple - alternatively almost becomes a separate entity: a different person

mask: facade/hiding = could eblinked to how Jack thinks he has power = construction = lose civilisation rules/restrictions = Order of colours = signifiicant = moves from white(purity) to black/red(danger+evil) 

compelled: links to control = Jack has to change to gain power = uses savgery symbolism in contrast to Ralph = voted leader due to conch / civilised symbolism. Also has connotations of excitement = childishness

collective pronoun: Jack has power and influence over the other boys

Evaluation: How he uses symbolism to convey the boys descent into savgery - explores the power of Jack over they other boys - Reader becomes more fearful- compel - as though something is taking over the boys and seems unstoppable - Inates evil within us

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Quote 5

Context: Whilst Ralph, Roger & Jack try to find the beast. Ralph & Jack taunt each other about bravery

Themes: Savagery, Jack, Fear

"A  stain in the darkness, a stain that was Jack" 

"stain" - repetition - connotations: contamination, something ruined - can spread (when Jack left Roger sat down =  is Jack facilitating the spread of evil on the island? - stain = spread by/to roger) - Permanent - Jack ruining island (microcosm for society) for good? 

'A' - indefinate article: not fixed - therefore can spread could be symbolic for one of many - evil in others 

'in the darkness' - symbolic for unkown, hidden - maybe evil/untrustworty - nightime = littluns nightmares. repated motif throughout both literally and metaphrorically. Links with Ralph = 'Darkness of mans heart'

Evaluation: Could interpet as Golding showing corrupt nature of power within an individual: Jack = evil - spreading across island - leading descent into savgery - allow evil nature in others to be freer = unstopable?

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Quote 7

Context: Just before Piggy's brutally murdered by Roger - came to ask for Piggy's glasses back 

Themes:  democracy, order, civilisation, death, savagery

'Piggy still holding out the  talisman, the  fragile, shining, beauty of the shell'

'talisman' - small object, usually inscribed = believd to protect from evil = Piggy still believes in the power of reason and rules. Could interpret it as Piggy recognising Jack and Roger are evil

definate article - strengthens symbolic significance of the conch: democracy freedom

'fragile': often seen as precious - alos vulnerable, therefore could reflect precarious state of the island= easily destroyed = foreshadpws demise of conch immediately after

shining: positive connotations - good, vulnerable/precious - possibly relgious

beauty of the shell = natural = reflects good on the island before boys disturb peace + beauty of the island with the scar/fires

Evalutation: Despite the island collapsing - Piggy still believing in power of conch - reflects his belief/morality. Possibly - because destroyed by Roger + Golding saying corruption/evil is more forceful/stronger for good

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