Ionic Bonding


Ionic Bonding


In ionic bonding atoms lose or gain electrons to form charged particles (called ions) which are strongly attracted to each other (because of the oppostite charges they contain) 

Ionic compounds have a giant ionic lattices and the ions are packed closely together in a regular lattice arrangement and there have very strong electrostatic forces of attraction between oppositely charged ions.

Ionic compunds all have simular properties. They all have high melting and boiling points due to the strong attraction bettween the ions. It takes a large amount of energy to overcome this attraction.

When ionic compund melt, the ions are free to move and they'll carry eletric current.

They also dissolve easily in water. The ions separate and our free to move in the solution, so they'll carry electric current.

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Covalent Bonding


... is where atoms share elections with each other so they've got full outer shells.

  • They only share electrons in their outer shells (highest energy levels).
  • This way both atoms feel theat the have a full outer shell (this makes them :) Also having a full outer shell gives them the structure of a nobel gas.
  • A convalent bond is a shared pair of electrons.
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