ICT and Computing



URL's (Uniform Resource Locators) are unique internet adresses which can help you find different websites e.g.


http= the protocol used. A protocol is the way that 2 computers 'talk to each other'. http stands    for hypertext transfer protocol

www= world wide web (not really used)

google= the company/domain name. A domain name tells you which company owns the domain. In this case, google.

.com= shows what it is e.g. com is a company

Different names that could be found in a domain name:

.com (company)

.co.uk (company in the UK)

.net (network)

.org (organisation)

.gov (govournment)

.ac (academic- often a university)

.ed (education)

.sch (school)

The URL ending .co.uk could be changed for a different country, e.g.

.fr- Registered in France

.cn- Registered in China

.nz- Registered in New Zealand


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