IB Spanish ab initio verbs

Important verbs for Spanish 

  • Created by: Tassawar
  • Created on: 16-05-13 07:47




Tener - to have

Hacer - to do/ make

decir - to say

ir - to go

ver - to see

dar - to give

saber - to know (information)

querer - to want/ love

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Llegar - to arrive 

Pasar - to pass

deber - to own/ should/ must/ ought to

poner - to place/ to put

parecer - to seem

quedar - to remain

creer - to believe

hablar - to speak

llevar - to bring/ carry

dejar - to leave/ to allow

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Seguir - to follow

encontrar - to encounter

llamar - to name

venir - to come

pensar - to think

salir - to leave/ go out

volver - to return

tomar - to take/ drink

conocer - to know

vivir - to live

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Sentir - to feel regret

tratar - to treat/ handle

mirar - to watch

contar - to count/ relate/ tell

empezar - to start

esperar - to hope

buscar - to search for 

existir - to exist

entrar - to enter

trabajar - to work

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escribir - to write

perder - to lose

producir - to produce

ocurrir - to occur

entender - to understand

pedir - to ask for

recibir - to receive

recordar - to recall/ remember

terminar - to finish/ end

permitir - to permit

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permitir - to permit

aparecer - to appear

conseguir - to obtain

comenzar - to begin

servir - to serve

sacar - to take out

necesitar - to need

mantener - to maintain

resultar - to turn out to be

leer - to read

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caer - to fall

cambiar - to change

presentar - to introduce

crear - to create

abrir - to open

considerar - to consider

oír - to hear

acabar - to finish/ end

convertir - to convert

ganar - to win

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formar - to form

traer - to bring

partir - to divide

morir - to die

aceptar - to accept

realizar - to achieve

suponer - to suppose

comprender - to understand

lograr - to obtain/ achieve

explicar - to explain

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preguntar - to ask

tocar - to play

reconocer - recognise

estudiar - to study

alcanzar - to reach/ catch up

nacer - to be born

dirigir - to direct

correr - to run

utilizar - to utilise

pagar - to pay for

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Gustar - to please

jugar - to play

escuchar - to listen

cumplir - to fulfil

ofrecer - to offer

descubrir - to discover

levantar - to raise/ lift

intentar - to attempt

usar - to use

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Reflexive verbs

lavarse - to wash oneself

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conjugation of ser

Imperfect: era/ eras/ era/ éramos/ erais/ eran

Preterite: fui/ fuiste/ fue/ fuimos/ fuisteis/ fueron

future: seré/ serás/ será/ seremos/ seréis/ serán

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Conjugations of estar

Imperfect: estaba/ estabas/ estaba/ estábamos/ estabais/ estaban

Preterite: estuve/ estuviste/ estuvo/ estuvimos/ estuivisteis/ estuvieron

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