
About spending time with a loved one - how precious short time can be

Structure of shakespearean sonnet - love poetry

Final rhyming couplet shows love will always 



Hour is about spending time with a loved one - how precious a short time can be

Also focuses on that time can be an obstacle for love

Follows the structure of a shakespearean sonnet - love poetry

Final rhyming couplet shows love will always triumpg over time - limited amount of time expands when in love

Many references to wealth - 'coin', 'rich', 'treasure', 'gold', 'millionaires', 'jewel', 'chandelier' - contrasted with love shows how precious love is

Pun used - highlights importance + worth of love + time spent with loved one. 'We find an hour together, spend it now on flowers or wine' suggets 'summer sky and a grass ditch' are worth more than tradition ideas of romance

Sentence length - single word 'Now' shows the importance of isolated time the lovers share - simplicity reflects importance of love they feel for one another - distinct from everything around it

Enjambment used throughout - reflects idea that love is ongoing and cannot be beaten by time

Time + love personified ('time hates love' 'love spins gold') - emphasises their power and brings abstract nouns to life - 'love spins gold, gold from straw' reference to the fairytale 'Rupletstiltskin' adds to magical feeling of love

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