Henry VII

  • Created by: Libby1702
  • Created on: 30-01-20 09:23

claim to the throne

  • Margret beaufrot was related to the john of gaunt who was the duke of Lancaster

  • Mostly on his victory at the battle of Bosworth- sign from god that he should be king

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  • Wanted a dynasty

  • Have an effective government

  • Have a stable system for law and order

  • Have control over nobility

  • Have good finances

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establihsing and consolidating power

  • Dated Bosworth- before the 21st of august (what the day after) therefore it made his reign a day easier so the people that supported Richard where traitors and there estates where claimed by the act of attainder

  • Arranged his coronation 30th oct before his parliament 7th nov - shows that he was in fact king

  • Married Elizabeth of York jan 1486- uniting the households

  • Birth of Arthur- September 1486

  • Support from the church- asking pope innocent to marry so that his children could never be claimed illegitimate

  • Earl of Warwick (Edward v1 nephew) to be detained

  • Added nobles such as regenial bray as chancellor and William Stanley as Chamberlin of the household

  • Tonnage and poundage- right to raise revenue for the whole reign on imports and exports

  • Acts of attainder- declared landowners guilty of rebellion against the monarch- lost land titles etc, heirs also couldn’t inherit the land

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centraslisation of the government

  • The king was the head and then then men he chose to sit with- kings council

  • Created smaller committees within the council

  • Council learned in law- collect things such warships, not liked due to their connection with bonds and recognizes, strongly hated

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regional government

  • Trusted to run the regional councils

  • Howard, jasper Tudor, poyning

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local governement

  • Justice of peace- power to arrest and imprison also issue punishments

  • Sheriffs- managed parlimentyray elections. Detention of criminals

  • Court of kings bench could override an decision made

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  • Acts of attainder (1485,87,95) which took land off people

  • Retaining- fine for keeping an army

  • Limited parliaments power to show the power that the crown had

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royal finance

  • Used his wealth to

  • Reward loyal service

  • Bribe opponents

  • Fund armies

  • Strengthen the crown in the future

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ordinary reveenue

  • The regular income

  • From crown lands, custom duty’s, federal duties, legal system

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extordinary revenue

  • Come to the crown on particular occasions- not regular

  • Bonds and recognases

  • Clerical taxes

  • Federal obligations

  • French pensions

  • Loans and benevolses

  • Parliamentary grants

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domestic policies

  • Nobility: attainders, retaining and good service

  • Church: gave the church patronage and protection, the pope supported henry

  • Law and order: JP and sheriffs, trusted in nobles to look over regional governments

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foreign policy

1509- he was still sotring his freoign policty until his death showing that it was never the most secure relationship aboard

1487- France invade brittainy

1488- anglo france truce

1489- Treaty of readon between England and France,

 treaty of medina Del campo between England and France

1492- England invades France, treaty of estaples between France and

1493- trade embrgo with the neverlqnds

1496- magnus intercursus,

1497- truce of ayton

1501- marriage of prince Arthur and cathrine of aragon

1506- malus intercurus, Treaty of winsor

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securing the sucession

  • Had to have a male hier- Arthur

  • Spare- henry

  • Wanted marriage alliancince with eupean countries to strengthen his position

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threats to the sucession

  • Yorkists that still had a cliam to the throne

  • Edward ealr of warwick

  • John de la pole

  • Warrick sent to the tower until 1499 where he was executed for conspiring with perkin warbeck

  • Lincoln was asked to join the government and the kings council- joined the lambert and simnle rebellion and was killed at the battle of stoke 1487

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sucession abroad

  • Defensive because he secured the throne through usperation

  • Biggest issues where pretenders

  • He used treaties to stop countries from supporting pretenders, and also not to aid anyone such as earl of suffork, Richard del la pole

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marriage alliances

  • Used to create a closer union to nebiouring countries such as Spain and Scotland

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society- the great chain of being

  • Churchmen- had people such as john Morton and Richard fox as archbishops who were also part of the kings council to advise the king

  • Nobility and gentry- ratio of people to nobles- 1500:55/ 1% of the population. All nobles had a seat in the house of lords, controlled through carrot and sticks

  • Commoners- the diversion started to blur towards the end of the 16th century as the increase in nobility started

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regional divisons

  • Limited the power of the marcher lords (wales) and the county palastines of durham and Chester

  • Regional loyalties where strong and caused friction when henry tries to impose new laws

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yorkshire rebellion-(1489)

  • Started by taxation
  • Murdered northumbland

  • Never raised tax again

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cornwall rebellion- (1497)

  • Demanded extorindary revenue

  • lord Audley and rebels where killed

  • lord doubney tried to help

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lambert simnel

  • Simmel was made to be out the earl of warwick

  • Put together by john de la pole earl of Lincoln- Yorkist

  • Henry paraded the earl of warwick through London to show that simnel was lying

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battle of stoke

  • reminded him of Bosworth- very similar

  • earl of oxford- led henrys army where effective

  • earl of Lincoln- killed

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perkin warbeck

  • claimed to be Richard duke of York

  • battle of stoke- fled, coordinated by Robert Clifford

  • used foreign policy to stop Warbeck from gaining more support abroad

  • joined the Cornish rebellion

  • alleged tried to escape with the earl of Warwick and so where executed

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lovell rebellion- (1486)

  • led by Richard supporters- Lovell and Humphrey Stafford

  • lovell escaped

  • Humphrey was captured and executed

  • Thomas Stafford was pardond

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econimic developments

  • 90% of the population lived and worked on the land

  • Most important where cloth, coal and iron- cloth being the biggest

  • Cloth and agriculture worked hand in hand because it relied on the sheep for wool

  • Exported through the city of Antwerp, used a wepon against britatny whne they supported Perkin Warbeck

  • Yorkshire and east Anglia where doing well with cloth

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  • Built a merchant fleet to compete with rivals

  • Navigation acts (1485-86) whe4re passed In order to protect English trade by only hiring the Englishmen first

  • Hoped to break the hanseatic league that held the monopoly in the market

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  • Keen to explore over seas

  • Patronized john and Sebastian colbot who sailed to north America and claim new land

  • They were also given the task of finding a sea route to reach Asia

  • More interested in Europe

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prosperity and depression

  • The development of industry and expansion of trade in the mediterrean and Baltic contributed to the economy massively

  • However they followed periods of depression

  • 1493- after the trade embargo with the Netherlands the country faced great depression because they supported Perkin Warbeck

  • Prosperity- after intercursus Magnus- 1496 and intercursus mauls- 1507

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  • Center of most people’s lives

  • The church of England was under control of the pope, however it was henrys job to appointment bishops and clergy

  • Allowed to use the wealth of the church

  • Idea of anticlericalism started to grow in the late 15th century

  • As well as the idea of lollardy

  • By opposing this henry grew an ally with the church, teaching people that it was a sin to rebellion against henry

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reform on the church

  • Culture developments in the content- renaissance

  • Humanism- return of classic original texts on all walks of life where as before it had been restricted to only people who were from the upper classes of life

  • Desiderius Erasmus visited England- 1499 and celebrated work of classical teaching done by john Colet

  • Henry patronized this type of learning the actively encouraged it

  • Printing press- 1476 by William Claxton

  • Major English texts into French and Latin

  • Erasmus- made fun of the church and where seen as radical idea.

  • Used printing press and propaganda and denouncing the rule of Richard 111

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